Oct 2008
7:03pm, 13 Oct 2008
3,829 posts
SODIron © 2002
I'd wait for the official medical verdict before splashing out on some insoles...(just in case)...whoever said rest it talks sense, rest is a GREAT idea
When do you see doc again?
Oct 2008
7:05pm, 13 Oct 2008
2,139 posts
Haddi :-)
i wont be splashing cash i'm a yorkshireman dont see quack again but foot spec and fiz should find out the prob
Oct 2008
7:06pm, 13 Oct 2008
3,830 posts
SODIron © 2002
I'll keep my fingers, eyes and legs crossed for you
Oct 2008
7:09pm, 13 Oct 2008
1,358 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
fingers crossed here too
Oct 2008
7:20pm, 13 Oct 2008
2,140 posts
Haddi :-)
Oct 2008
7:21pm, 13 Oct 2008
1,319 posts
For My Light
Evening everyone
Oct 2008
7:27pm, 13 Oct 2008
2,141 posts
Haddi :-)
been doing a bit of sel diagnosis i think this is what is wrong( will wait for proper diagnosis by foot spec but its a start)
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) This is very common in runners who will describe pain in the shin brought on by running which may take hours or days to settle afterwards. There is tenderness over the inner border of the lower 2/3 of the tibia which is due to a "stress reaction" of the lining of the bone on the inner border of the tibia where the posterior tibialis muscle attaches. It is often associated with abnormal biomechanics, especially overpronation. It can also occur if there has been excessive running on hard surfaces and/or if trainers are worn out. Treatment consists of a period of rest from running, maintaining cardiovascular fitness by cycling, swimming etc., and physiotherapy in the form of ultrasound, interferential and flexibility and strength work for the calf, Achilles tendon and ankle. Correction of any biomechanical abnormalities is important and your sports orthotist will work in conjunction with your physiotherapist for this. Finally, your training programme will need to be assessed to identify, and change, any training errors which may have contributed to the condition. It is important that your doctor or physiotherapist excludes a stress fracture of the tibia and, if they are at all suspicious of one, they may organise an x-ray (although a standard x-ray is often normal in the first month after stress fracture) or preferably a bone scan.
an hour on ex bike tonight
Oct 2008
8:08pm, 13 Oct 2008
1,873 posts
wow. that put me to sleep again Haddi Had a little doze on the sofa after tea as v.tired again today. My shins are fine, my calfs on the other hand....... May go to the gym tomorrow and just walk on the treadmill
SOD sent it off a couple of weeks ago now, mind you I am sure at some point yesterday I vowed never to run again Think it was around the 2k mark! For some sad reason I always enjoy the last bit of the race more than the first bit.
Stoxy would be good to see you at Thirsk but think you will be much faster than me, still it may be good to have a target ahead to aim for
Not sure how much longer i can stay awake
Oct 2008
8:27pm, 13 Oct 2008
2,143 posts
Haddi :-)
only did half hr im shattered
Oct 2008
8:36pm, 13 Oct 2008
1,874 posts
where is everyone? Not sure its worth staying awake for tonight Been reading blogs for last half hour but if none of you are online may have an early night
Haddi - you quitter!! Mind you dont think I could have done 5 minutes myself