Oct 2008
8:39pm, 13 Oct 2008
2,144 posts
Haddi :-)
i did 9.5 mile i know what you mean about it being quite
Oct 2008
8:43pm, 13 Oct 2008
1,876 posts
think you mean quiet *wonders why none of the men she knows can spell*
Oct 2008
8:50pm, 13 Oct 2008
3,832 posts
SODIron © 2002
Just checking in on you crazy cats...not stopping long as I am up at 04:30 for a 4 hour drive to Norwich...there and back in a day...I'm gonna be dead to the world tomorrow night
HLSWEB - I'll check with club secretary re: your entry...I know they've been assigning numbers but I'm not sure if they've actually started sending them out yet (plenty of time though - the race isn't 'til Feb).
Oct 2008
8:51pm, 13 Oct 2008
2,145 posts
Haddi :-)
i admit i cannot sepll
Oct 2008
8:54pm, 13 Oct 2008
1,877 posts
*passes Haddi a dictionary and a spell checker*
Right guys, sorry but really need to go get some sleep, I am up at 6am for the gym, okay it's not a four hour drive to Norwich, drive carefully SOD.
Night all
Oct 2008
8:57pm, 13 Oct 2008
2,147 posts
Haddi :-)
dont need dictionary have plenty at home just cannot be arsed to use them
Oct 2008
8:59pm, 13 Oct 2008
3,833 posts
SODIron © 2002
Donte wurry Haddi...eye carnt spel e-ther...thatts y eye hav a spel chequer one mi computere
Oct 2008
9:02pm, 13 Oct 2008
2,149 posts
Haddi :-)
Oct 2008
6:12am, 14 Oct 2008
1,363 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
I get to drive to a furnace factory in Walsall today. Lucky me... But I've told them I'm not going back to work after my meeting finishes, so hopefully it will be a short one and I can stop off somewhere nice on the way back and have a (short, gentle) run
Oct 2008
6:21am, 14 Oct 2008
1,878 posts
Morning guys, I hardly slept last night as my calves are suddenly so tight! It got bad when I got home last night and took my heels off, so I will be a good girl and try and wear flat shoes today (if I can find any!).
Off to the gym to see if they can suggest anything to ease this off as pretty uncomfortable. The ice spray seems to be helping a little and will call at gym on way home tonight to use jacuzzi (doesnt open till 10am how inconvenient!)
Have a good day all