The Film Thread

3 watchers
Aug 2011
5:10pm, 18 Aug 2011
25,333 posts
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Sorry for not following the rules :-)
Aug 2013
10:08pm, 16 Aug 2013
20,724 posts
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Is this the place to say I just loved a film I watched on TV? My wife is out, so I'm missing my best mate to chat about movies (n music n books and everything in the world...)

500 Days of Summer - Joseph Gordon Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. I adore Zooey Deschanel. Not just cos she's gorgeous and quirky, but she does serious and funny and feels so real. Anyhoo, loved it. :-)G
Aug 2013
4:54pm, 17 Aug 2013
20,729 posts
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I guess not, it was rather old. I'll try the other Film Thread! :-)G
May 2014
4:05pm, 14 May 2014
91 posts
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what other film thread?

this is the only one I can find...

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Maintained by Ginnersinner
I'll name a film. Now you name another film featuring someone who was in the last film - Put the name of you...

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