
2 watchers
Nov 2016
12:45pm, 3 Nov 2016
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Izzy Backyet
I'm shortly moving to Saddleworth, it's hilly and a bit moorish (see what I did there?) Is anyone from that area who can guide me to flattish runs around the Delph,Dobcross,Diggle etc etc area? Everywhere looks like Everest.
Nov 2016
12:59pm, 3 Nov 2016
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paul the builder
I used to live there - Delph - but long before I took up running. Looking back, I think clocking up big winter mileage would be quite tricky; not only is it pretty hilly in all directions, but I doubt there's very many stretches of street-lit roads either. Summer of course will be glorious - get out in the hills :-)

There's a decent length of canal runs through; I guess that must have a towpath.
Nov 2016
1:08pm, 3 Nov 2016
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Izzy Backyet
I'll be living in Delph , the canal or river tame looks feasible but obviously not for night runs :) I will need to organise a flattish reasonably well lit route for winter but it looks like it'll be 500 lengths of the High Street at this stage.
Nov 2016
1:13pm, 3 Nov 2016
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Before we bought our current home, we considered moving to the Delph/Dobcross area, but in the end my wife decided she wanted to stay "local" (she's never lived further than 3miles from our current house!).

As PtB suggests, finding some water to run alongside may be the best option for flat routes; either the canal or there are a few reservoirs relatively close by?

Sorry I can't be anymore help :-)
Nov 2016
1:51pm, 3 Nov 2016
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paul the builder
Broadly speaking, I think Delph to Denshaw, and Delph to Mossley (through Uppermill) would be reasonably flat, following a valley basically I suppose. Although I can't vouch for footpaths and lighting, obv.

Bulls Head was my most regular haunt. Hope they still do live bands on Saturday nights.
Nov 2016
2:08pm, 3 Nov 2016
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I've no idea where Delph is, but a decent head torch and a quiet unlit towpath make for a lovely evening run.
Nov 2016
2:14pm, 3 Nov 2016
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macca 53
My BiL and family play in brass bands (conduct and play for Delph) so I know it reasonably well. It will e hard in winter with no lights or footpaths on most of the roads.

A route that goes Uppermill - Grasscroft-Scouthead and then back along the main road into Delph would be challenging but doable without feeling that you'd been in a fell race or mountaineering event. I doubt you could do it safely in the dark though.

Lucky you for getting to live in such a pretty place though.

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I'm shortly moving to Saddleworth, it's hilly and a bit moorish (see what I did there?) Is anyone ...

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