Glasgow-Edinburgh Double Marathon

37 watchers
Oct 2023
9:22am, 2 Oct 2023
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That'll be nice B-) By coincidence, at Strathclyde parkrun on Saturday, I was parked to someone wearing a local club shirt, so I said hi. Whilst chatting, she said she wouldn't be at parkrun next week, as she had an event on. Which turned out to be running from Glasgow to Edinburgh.
Nov 2023
7:47am, 1 Nov 2023
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Found in related threads too. K5Gus, the weather forecast proved to be VERY wrong!!
Nov 2023
11:41am, 1 Nov 2023
27,284 posts
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It was an epically foul day, weatherwise. Hope all the runners have recovered from the ordeal!

I checked the tracker for the woman I'd spoken to (previous post). She'd no splits so I thought she'd seen sense and stayed in. But later, I saw that she had a finish time recorded.

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