Foot niggle

3 watchers
Jul 2011
12:46pm, 6 Jul 2011
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Lisa T
Massage can help relieve some nerve stuff. Foam roller or the stick might help. Or both.
Jul 2011
1:19pm, 6 Jul 2011
24,794 posts
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Hills of Death (HOD)
I have the Pediroller Lise :)

(and the stick)
Jul 2011
1:33pm, 6 Jul 2011
664 posts
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Is it connected with your shoes? Sounds like a strain of the tendons on the underside of your feet, so if you have one pair of shoes with a lower arch support than another, that might be why you sometimes get it and sometimes don't?
Jul 2011
1:43pm, 6 Jul 2011
24,799 posts
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Possibly however it happens sometimes when I am sitting it still twinges occassionally
Jul 2011
2:09pm, 6 Jul 2011
108 posts
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As i said it can be anywhere from the the back/si joint onwards. Maybe an an mri will show the trapped nerve if its a bulging disc or some such. It could be a tight muscle or some gristle in the back area in which case massage may help. Carefull with massage though, just massagng the area of your pain will likely achieve nothing aprt from irritating that are. With nerve pain its often somewhere elese causing it, thats the tricky bit.....finding it.
Jul 2011
2:42pm, 6 Jul 2011
24,800 posts
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Thanks I suppose I need to go Chiroprator/Osteo then ?

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Maintained by Hills of Death (HOD)
I had my bruisey feeling on the right foot, that 6 podatrists 1 osteo 1 gp all came up with differen...

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