Jan 2009
5:08pm, 30 Jan 2009
3,267 posts
Can't we just forget the 9? I mean.. it's hardly noticeable.
Jan 2009
5:10pm, 30 Jan 2009
3,268 posts
I'm very much looking forward to meeting you too LW.
Jan 2009
5:12pm, 30 Jan 2009
6,694 posts
DOn't forget Tom craggs in the list - sub 5.30!
Jan 2009
5:14pm, 30 Jan 2009
3,269 posts
Tom Craggs! Brilliant. Will he be bringing his own discus or will he use one of the club ones?
Jan 2009
5:22pm, 30 Jan 2009
156 posts
Joe Hawk
sub 5.30 group: Speedie - ( Never done a mile flat out, so unsure ) Tom Craggs
Sub 6 group: Joe Hawk ( If I am not late )
sub 6.30 group: SarahL ChrisW BeerMatt Paul
Sub 7:30 group Caterpillar Thegocat surreystrider
CornishEva Rich
7:50 - 8:10 group: John66
Sub 8 group: W Wabbit (Not done a mile on its own or on a track before, so unsure I may sneak into the sub 7:30 if im sick)
Sub 9.30 group: Lizzie W Bertie SherryB Lalli
[Timing-DIY D] Photos and money collecting - MoscowFlyer
Food after:
surreystrider + 1 SarahL + 1 Lizzie W + Thegocat BeerMatt + MrsB + BabyB CornishEva Bertie Paul
Speedie Lalli + 3
Joe Hawk
Jan 2009
5:41pm, 30 Jan 2009
4,134 posts
DIY Diva
There is a curve a few metres marking on the track down from the finish which is the start of the mile. As timer, I move two steps to the left on each lap and shout out your split time so you'll know if you're on pace for your PB or if you've got to step it up a bit.
Jan 2009
5:43pm, 30 Jan 2009
4,135 posts
DIY Diva
Cat I'll bring hi-vis vests but will be wearing my Fetch hat if it is going to be nippy.
can you bring your cow bell for me to ring the final lap, please. Just so we've got something a tad special for this Fetch Mile
Jan 2009
5:46pm, 30 Jan 2009
1,296 posts
wascally wabbit
Ha Ha the last time I ran around that was around c1974 and it was cinders im a lot fatter and a lot uglier now
Jan 2009
7:34pm, 30 Jan 2009
6,695 posts
good idea Diva! No probs! And thx for copying the list BM!
Jan 2009
7:36pm, 30 Jan 2009
3,270 posts
Awesome fun! A bell for the last lap! It'll be just like the O Limp Ix.