Jan 2009
4:38pm, 30 Jan 2009
1,295 posts
wascally wabbit
How do you do the mile race is it a kinda handicap based on time group?
Jan 2009
4:41pm, 30 Jan 2009
1,784 posts
Lizzie W
Pick a time to aim for, people aiming for a similar time start together (eg all the sub 5:30s) while we cheer them on & take photos, then the next group goes when they've all finished. Then we eat cake
Jan 2009
4:45pm, 30 Jan 2009
12,257 posts
Lizzie - is this your first mile? I'm gettig a bit greedy cos I was convinced I'd be 9.** at best and paced by BCRB at Tooting I did 8.30. Well chuffed. Paced by RFJ at Reading I did 8.10 so although I've been a lazy arse the last couple of weeks I really want 7.** paced by whoever.
The above three lines is factual without being at all interesting.
Jan 2009
4:46pm, 30 Jan 2009
3,263 posts
sub 5.30 group: Speedie - ( Never done a mile flat out, so unsure )
sub 6.30 group: SarahL ChrisW BeerMatt Paul
Sub 7:30 group Caterpillar Thegocat surreystrider
CornishEva Rich
7:50 - 8:10 group: John66
Sub 8 group: W Wabbit (Not done a mile on its own or on a track before, so unsure I may sneak into the sub 7:30 if im sick)
Sub 9.30 group: Lizzie W Bertie SherryB Lalli
[Timing-DIY D] Photos and money collecting - MoscowFlyer
Food after:
surreystrider + 1 SarahL + 1 Lizzie W + Thegocat BeerMatt + MrsB + BabyB CornishEva Bertie Paul
Speedie Lalli + 3
Jan 2009
4:51pm, 30 Jan 2009
3,264 posts
I'll bring a clipboard and a pen, and a copy of the rule book.
DIY - can I borrow I hi-vis jacket and an offiicial hat?
Jan 2009
4:54pm, 30 Jan 2009
1,785 posts
Lizzie W
John - first/last mile I did was in April @9:32. Now predicted 8:12 from my 5K time (without vomming) so I think 8:10 is achievable & possibly less
Jan 2009
4:56pm, 30 Jan 2009
3,265 posts
Could we have an element of fun in this? Could we have a one mile wheelbarrow race where the pusher and the passenger swap over every 400m?
Jan 2009
4:57pm, 30 Jan 2009
3,266 posts
... and an actual serious question. The track is 400m. A mile isn't exactly 4 laps. Are there markings for one mile? Does anyone know about this stuff?
Jan 2009
4:59pm, 30 Jan 2009
1,490 posts
Yep, markings on the track for the mile.
Jan 2009
5:03pm, 30 Jan 2009
1,786 posts
Lizzie W
Cat - I *had* been looking forward to meeting you, but now I'm getting worried