Dextrose Tablets

8 watchers
May 2014
4:19pm, 16 May 2014
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Tara beat me too it but the questions I would ask are along the same lines. 1) when do you last eat before a long race? 2) how soon do you start eating? For races in excess of 3 hours I try to take a gel or similar in the 30 mins before the race, I also tend to leave it closer ( around 2 hours) to the race to eat my last proper meal. I then try to start between 45 and 60 mins in. The other thing to look at is the number of 3+ hour training runs you do? In my experience me nothing helps you cope with racing long than repeated practicing putting your body through the same stress, it also gives you opportunity to try strategies in a more relaxed environment.
May 2014
4:27pm, 16 May 2014
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Eat big meal the night before.

Have tried to eat something within the hour before the race.

Tried different strategies during race. This year's 3P ate every 30mins.

# of long runs beforehand doesn't seem to make much difference. Had done a lot of training for London 2011, including 5 or more 20+mi runs. Vomited all over embankment at mile 20, mile 22 and every time I tried to jog in the last 4miles.

I get the same problem on training runs as I do in races - not quite so bad (as as you have pointed out, it's not the same stress on the body). I don't have time to do hundreds of 3hr+ long runs, so that's not going to happen!
May 2014
8:23pm, 16 May 2014
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In my case FF, I tend to run for at least 3 hours at least twice a month, all year round. I can run or hours at 9.30/10mm pace, can stop for cake and biscuits and sandwiches and everything in LDWA events, and have no real issue with solid food.

I can't carry solid food with me on a fast road marathon, though, and that's when I have gip. I don't vomit, poor Fozzy has a very bad time of it compared with me, I just get what I can only describe as a pressure build up in the guts which feels like indigestion and only subsides when I drop the pace.

This is only when I'm running at the faster end of marathon pace for me.

I tried eliminating gluten from my pre-race diet - no dice. Tried eliminating sugar - no dice. Same problem if I abstain pre-race or have a coupl of beers. Sometimes I'm better on no breakfast at all, but then I'm more likely to hit the wall.

I'm going to give them a go. If they fail to work, I've wasted, what, a quid?
May 2014
9:35pm, 16 May 2014
1,394 posts
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Fozzy perhaps your digestive system is just very sensitive to the effects of long runs... I know I am far better now I am gluten free and I also know I MUST eat before the first hour and then about every 45 minutes and avoid sports drinks, just regular squash is fine for me

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Maintained by DeeGee
Found some in a cupboard. I've been having issues with gels, so am going to try another tactic.


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