Both Shoulders Injured

1 watcher
Jul 2013
6:41pm, 28 Jul 2013
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The Jogger
Back in Jan I was doing some push ups not long after my feeble attempt both of my shoulders hurt, when I raise them above my head, when I lay on my side at night and also down the arms. I mentioned it to the doc around May time and also said they seemed to be improving, she told me if it's getting better it can't be serious. It now seems to be getting a bit worse again, I was told that time will heal it? Has anybody any idea what it could be, I googled it and came up with rotator cuff.
Jul 2013
7:25pm, 28 Jul 2013
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I've had problems with my shoulders for a few years now and think I tore my left rotator cuff in the past (doing exercise!) - physio thinks I did too and that it has healed but she can tell there is scar tissue/problems there. When I had physio, she said that I was overusing/had very tight muscles at the top of my shoulders going up to my neck (they are often really tense) and had underdeveloped muscles under my shoulder blades that are supposed to stabilise the shoulders. This meant that at times my shoulder could move into a position where it impinges the nerve (very painful). We did some exercises to stabilise which helped at the time. I've now lapsed a bit and am having a few more problems so may need to go back.

Maybe worth a trip to a sports physio?
Jul 2013
9:09pm, 28 Jul 2013
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The Jogger
Thanks Pen that sounds like an idea. I get the nerve thing too and it is sore.
Jul 2013
7:28pm, 29 Jul 2013
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That man from March
I had a similar problem and it was a partially frozen shoulder due to damage caused when lifting heavy scaffolding over my head. The physio sorted it out but I went private and it cost a few pounds.
Jul 2013
10:08pm, 29 Jul 2013
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The Jogger
How long did it take with the physio weeks or months?

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Maintained by The Jogger
Back in Jan I was doing some push ups not long after my feeble attempt both of my shoulders hurt, wh...

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