A Whisky Drink

16 watchers
Mar 2022
2:22pm, 24 Mar 2022
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How bizarre! That link is blocked on my work website. Alcohol, allegedly :-O

I've never met a Penderyn I didn't like, but that one's definitely a special occasion purchase.
Mar 2022
2:45pm, 24 Mar 2022
6,636 posts
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Raasay Whisky is fast becoming one of our favourites and we can thoroughly recommend their Virtual Tastings. You get 6 cask strength samples which are blended to make up their unique whisky and there is enough to make up your own blend :)

Mar 2022
7:10pm, 24 Mar 2022
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Lip Gloss
Nick Cook

I was going to correct the spelling but thought not a true Scotsman šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Mar 2022
10:03pm, 31 Mar 2022
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Not a Scotsman at all as far as I know, Lip Gloss though Scott is a family name. I blame auto spelling entirely though why it should revert to Irish I have no idea.
Mar 2022
10:08pm, 31 Mar 2022
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Lip Gloss

Technically Iā€™m English (by birth) so was including myself in the statement šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘
Apr 2022
7:21am, 1 Apr 2022
314 posts
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John Bach
HK - Penderyn have a relatively new distillery in Llandudno - they do a very good tour there. There's also a relatively new whisky produced by Aber Falls, who had previously predominantly produced gin

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Maintained by Groundhog
Any whisky drinkers on here?

I usually have something in the house year round as I only have an o...

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