Sep 2008
1:44pm, 7 Sep 2008
262 posts
Hello winniefree, and well done I will have nightmares about that hill, but we did alright! The sun was a bit of a frustration - where has been it been all week, and why did it have to come out so strongly with 3K to go? Gah! Lots of congrats to go round today - well done roo, haddi and YP1
Sep 2008
1:45pm, 7 Sep 2008
57 posts
I think we all deserve cake!
Sep 2008
1:47pm, 7 Sep 2008
3,218 posts
SODIron © 2002
Well done all who got PBs attempt at a PB in the GYR 10k ended up in frustration and sore calves/soleus/achilles.
Started off OK, hit the first 1K in 4m:20, the 2nd in 4m:21 then it went down hill from there. My calves started to tighten up after around 2.5K and I had to start a cycle of stop/stretch/run for the rest of the run. I tried everything I could do to ease the stiffness (re-lacing my shoes, taking off my sock on the right foot, massaging my calves etc.) but it just wouldn't ease.
In the end I limped home (quite literally) in 54m...around 10 minutes slower than I was hoping for.
I've now pulled out of Mablethorpe 10k next Sunday and I am seriously considering pulling out of the GNR...
It was good to see Roo at the finish line, she did well and looked like she had given her all...well done Roo, good effort
Sep 2008
1:50pm, 7 Sep 2008
1,454 posts
Haddi :-)
well done everyone with their races today Sorry to hear about your race SOD * Give a manly slap on back* how did H do? and i tried to get sub 1hr 40 for you maybe next time and i didn't take the ipod
Sep 2008
1:51pm, 7 Sep 2008
58 posts
Ah - and that mad woman yelling to you across the dual carriageway (sorry, shouting encouragement!!) was me, in case you were wondering
Sep 2008
2:54pm, 7 Sep 2008
842 posts
Well done all of you with yer flashy times and PBs!
Sod, so sorry to hear you had a mare... and sorry I won't see you at Mabo.
Anyone else coming to the seaside for a 10k, half or full mara on Sunday?
Sep 2008
2:57pm, 7 Sep 2008
1,952 posts
not me - will be bog snorkling round the yorkshireman half
sorry to here that SODIron take it steady
and well done Roo, Grid, Winnie, YP1, and Haddi
Sep 2008
3:00pm, 7 Sep 2008
1,458 posts
Haddi :-)
SOD are your girls going to watch H on saturday ?
Sep 2008
3:09pm, 7 Sep 2008
97 posts
Well done on eveyone's PBs
I got a big fat shiny PB today at Leeds Half Marathon. I knocked more than 8 1/2 minutes off my previous best by my watch time. My official time is not up on the results site yet but it can't be too different. Needless to say I am well chuffed
Sep 2008
3:10pm, 7 Sep 2008
265 posts
Wow. Awesome. Well done derooster Treat yourself to a shandy!