Sep 2008
7:48pm, 8 Sep 2008
1,474 posts
Haddi :-)
9th nov in york we are touring he county
Sep 2008
7:48pm, 8 Sep 2008
1,938 posts
Great - I'll be there.
I'm moving to York soonish hopefully - once I've sold my house that is
Sep 2008
8:19pm, 8 Sep 2008
1,266 posts
evening all. Just been trying to work out a longer route to get me ready for the four miler a week on Saturday, have managed to find 3 3/4 miles which doesnt include the muddy waterlogged woods
Sep 2008
8:34pm, 8 Sep 2008
787 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
I've been back to the stadium to do my first track session.
It was much better when there were fetchies and cake though.
Sep 2008
8:35pm, 8 Sep 2008
1,268 posts
I can believe it I find running on my own on a morning hard work, wish we could get a dog to keep me company but with working full time it just wouldnt be practical. Anyone know how I would find a coach by the way? I think I could do with some tuition to get me started properly.
Sep 2008
8:36pm, 8 Sep 2008
1,977 posts
must have been quiet without my whistle YP1!
and hi MC - moving?
been for a squishy muddy walk in t'dales today
Sep 2008
8:44pm, 8 Sep 2008
1,475 posts
Haddi :-)
H, you could see if their are any fetchies near you and see if you can meet up and run together or join a local club, their not all scary and you'll find lots of people of varying running abillity but you'll probably only have 2 club runs a week,
Sep 2008
8:46pm, 8 Sep 2008
1,269 posts
Tried to contact local club and they never got back in touch. Besides I prefer to run on a morning - as you know I
cant stay awake driving home
Sep 2008
8:48pm, 8 Sep 2008
1,477 posts
Haddi :-)
what about any work friend are they showing any intrest in running which you might be able to do at dinner time
Sep 2008
8:51pm, 8 Sep 2008
1,270 posts
Only have half an hour for lunch with dropping K off at school - bit of a git this school lark aint it And that half hour quite often ends up getting cut short if boss is around and wants some work doing! Work is too far from home to walk there or back or even cycle, only just have time to get there in car after dropping K off. None of gyms open at 6am for me to do that before Ian goes to work so looks like I am stuck running on my own at 6am still.