Oct 2008
10:54pm, 28 Oct 2008
1,064 posts
Lapsed Athlete
stopwatch and batons just in case we're still thinking of a relay oh and cake of course
Oct 2008
10:55pm, 28 Oct 2008
2,648 posts
Ohh noooo! Now we have four miles we are a chocolate trophy short!!
(wonders which race we can lose a trophy on - ahaha - DaveA will probably win two races so if we give him one trophy for both it will work!!)
Oct 2008
10:56pm, 28 Oct 2008
2,649 posts
deffo still on for the relay. I was thinking of seeing what peoples times were like on the day then working the system you suggested and alloting teams according to the finish times in the mile
Oct 2008
10:59pm, 28 Oct 2008
1,065 posts
Lapsed Athlete
sounds good to me ... especially only giving Dave one trophy
Oct 2008
11:03pm, 28 Oct 2008
2,652 posts
wonder if we could nick his handcuffs and cuff his ankles to slow him down
Looks like we are on for a good turnout even if a few peeps do drop out on the day, I need to get on with the numbers now, they will probably take me the next week and a half to make and print.
On the subject of numbers if you are running or have someone running who doesnt have a fetch name could you check and let me know what name they would like on their running number please
Oct 2008
11:16pm, 28 Oct 2008
2,653 posts
right night all, have an early start in the morning.
I have sent an fmail to everyone in the group (if you are not in the group click on the link at the top of each Yorkshire Mile thread page to join), it has all the races listed and details of the Saturday social as well.
Oct 2008
8:29am, 29 Oct 2008
1,661 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
HLS - are you saying there was no shopping on Sunday? That coat must have slipped into my bag
Glad it's not me who suggested using Dave's handcuffs on him, you'd all be onto me like a shot...
Cold again this morning - have just been for a swim and I'm going to running club later, if I don't freeze...
Oct 2008
8:31am, 29 Oct 2008
4,024 posts
SODIron © 2002
Morning all from a chilly and sunny Norwich. I'm heading back up north later this morning (can't wait).
I hope you've all been good while I was away.. ;o)
Oct 2008
8:38am, 29 Oct 2008
8,849 posts
Dave A
Hls: That's not what handcuffs are for..............................although;)
YP1: Isn;t that shoplifting?
Oct 2008
8:40am, 29 Oct 2008
1,662 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)