Oct 2008
10:45pm, 28 Oct 2008
2,641 posts
Oh and there was me forgetting the most important part of the whole thing! The Saturday night social!! Who is coming then so I can sort out when and where. Got to get the important bits sorted aint we!
Still no sign of the medals Will chase them up tomorrow!
Oct 2008
10:46pm, 28 Oct 2008
1,061 posts
Lapsed Athlete
evening all .... I'll be there for the Saturday social after all it would be rude not to
Oct 2008
10:48pm, 28 Oct 2008
1,509 posts
Cheers HLS. Keep me in Group 2. I get the feeling that'll be tight, and that my 7.20 is a rather conservative estimate.
Can't make the social I'm afraid- it's hard enough to persuade the mrs to let me go to York for the day, never mind the weekend!
Oct 2008
10:49pm, 28 Oct 2008
2,643 posts
There was me thinking you had forgotten about us but as soon as we mention alcohol - you appear - it's magic!!
I was thinking of suggesting an 8.00pm start, probably somewhere fairly large to meet up or do you have a preference on a real ale pub
Oct 2008
10:49pm, 28 Oct 2008
2,644 posts
bring the Mrs with you, let her shop - she will love it
Oct 2008
10:50pm, 28 Oct 2008
1,062 posts
Lapsed Athlete
am I that easy to read
Oct 2008
10:51pm, 28 Oct 2008
1,510 posts
She's strangely drawn towards outlet shopping that particular Sunday...
Oct 2008
10:51pm, 28 Oct 2008
1,063 posts
Lapsed Athlete
there are plenty of real ale pubs to choose from in York so I would say whichever is the most convenient for the majority
Oct 2008
10:51pm, 28 Oct 2008
2,645 posts
clearer than a dictionary
Are you bringing your stopwatch Lapsed? I would be lost without your timekeeping ability
Oct 2008
10:53pm, 28 Oct 2008
2,646 posts
that outlet shopping is a good idea, bit further out than us but not too far out. Me and YP1 met there last Sunday for coffee and cake in Thorntons! Probably would have done some shopping if small child had nit been feeling rough