Shock Absorber Bras, poor quality?

9 watchers
May 2014
12:05pm, 29 May 2014
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Red Squirrel
Sheri - you may remember that I reported that I contacted them 3 times previously from an email on their website. I only got a response in the end because I contacted Shock Absorber USA who then got hold of the UK crew.

Apparently the email address was not being monitored by anyone. How shit is that?
May 2014
12:17pm, 29 May 2014
74,030 posts
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Quite shit, I'd say.
May 2014
12:30pm, 29 May 2014
18,554 posts
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Reply back asking me to send the bra in so they can Do Tests. I'm not sure how much this will help as they will just be receiving a bra with one completely missing hook. Or several bras with hooks in various states of disrepair, if I send them all in.

Anyway, I may get around to it. Will make sure and get proof of posting if I do.
May 2014
12:34pm, 29 May 2014
2,026 posts
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They'll probably tell you that you did something silly, like washing them.
Jun 2014
6:36pm, 18 Jun 2014
27,755 posts
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I sent mine in, like sheri, they were going to do tests. And refund me my postage.

A month later a new (same batch, shitty hooks) arrives in a massive box, with no refund or note.

The box was large enough for me to put the following items in and then close it.

A PAIR, yes, pair, of 6.5 Salamon walking boots.
2 can's of berry strongbow
A bobble hat

I took a photo and I'm going to post it on their facebook page. Have a look, if you can be arsed.
Jun 2014
6:48pm, 18 Jun 2014
18,598 posts
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On the positive side, next time you need to send all that stuff in the post... sorted.

Hope new bra is less rubbish than old one, doesn't sound like it will be though.

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About This Thread

Maintained by Max71
Has anyone else had trouble with NEW shock absorber bras clasps just falling apart?

Not the old ones, but those bought within the last 2 years, more specifically those for the ladies with the large boobies.

Shock Absorber Facebook

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