Runners knee

1 watcher
Dec 2016
10:58am, 28 Dec 2016
240 posts
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Seasons greetings!

Any advice welcome!

I have runners knee and am in recovery which involves massage, stretching, ibruprofen, posture exercises and lots of other things. What I would like to know is what is the average recovery time for this type of injury as it has been six weeks and although it has improved there is soreness.

Any ideas
Dec 2016
1:05pm, 28 Dec 2016
1,789 posts
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Surrey Phil
I can't give any advice I'm afraid. I have had a weak/sore left knee since I was about 20. No problems on a day-to-day basis, just after a long run. I wear a knee support during exercise and allow a day or so afterwards for any soreness (if any) to go.
Dec 2016
10:15am, 30 Dec 2016
242 posts
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Today it's progress no pain....... six weeks of worrying ended! I hope!
Mar 2019
11:09pm, 10 Mar 2019
2,908 posts
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Surrey Phil
I think I may have the same problem. RICE worked well but painful when starting to move after sitting down for a while.

I was looking at booking a sports massage in early April but I may bring this forward so my physio can have a look at my knee as well.

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Seasons greetings!

Any advice welcome!

I have runners knee and am in recovery which invo...

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