
3 watchers
Apr 2015
7:16am, 5 Apr 2015
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I have just concocted my masterplan for the next 6 months after running a 10mile PB this weekend and was wondering if people think it should work and whether it could be improved. It goes thus:

As part of my 10mile PB I ran a 10K PB (41:37). My thinking is if you run a shorter distance PB as part of a longer race you definitely can improve the shorter distance, so my first goal is to improve my 10K time. Based on my 5K: PB (19:23) I reckon 4:05/km should be possible for 10K or 40:50. Next race is Shinfield 10K but I then have 4 10Ks at Dinton from May to August to get as close to 40mins as possible. Other training I'll be doing during all the 10Ks will be basically parkruns flat out to try and make the 10K speed seem easy (a relative term, I know). I might do some track session as well, but they don't fit my routine that well so I think they might be only once a month.

Ultimately off the back of all this 10K training my number 1 goal is run under 1h30m at Maidenhead Half. I think with all the 10K training I will just ramp up the mileage from about 50Km/week (which I will be doing during the 10K 'season') to 70km/week which will mainly be increasing the long run upto 20km. This seemed to work for Wokingham Half.

So there you have it, what could go wrong?

By the way, I'd be interested if others have any masterplans, please share!

Apr 2015
8:20am, 5 Apr 2015
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Derby Tup
The missus was coached for years towards 10k and HM. I'll ask her what she thinks of the master plan. I know her coach was interested in 10k speed as an indicator of general pace / ability

My master plan is more prosaic than yours; simply to lose wait and gain fitness after a break of several months pig
Apr 2015
6:26pm, 5 Apr 2015
55,624 posts
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I write master plans CW

Your logic is sound to assume there is more to come

The plan however looks somewhat VAGUE
Apr 2015
6:44pm, 5 Apr 2015
15,300 posts
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Derby Tup
Wife said do two structured sessions per week eg track on Tuesday and intervals on pavement / grass Thursday
Apr 2015
9:54pm, 5 Apr 2015
224 posts
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vague? I guess so. I kind of don't want to take the fun out of it by being too regimented. I know I should do intervals and track but with an ever changing work schedule its hard to get to a track at the same time each week.

how do people do intervals without access to a track? I guess you have to find a park or somewhere with no traffic and measure out distances? Is there any other way?

Also what's the trade off with distance vs. pace? I am aiming for 50km/week with one flat out session per week (eg parkrun), should I reduce the distance but up the pace on another session?

So many questions!

Apr 2015
3:24pm, 7 Apr 2015
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ps. Shinfield is fast I came 2nd there a few years back or was it 3rd

All depends how accurate you feel you need to be. Me, I just used to run between 2 points on a road that were "About" the right distance.

Distance V pace - not sure I understand but will guess. Running less miles faster overall will not improve your 5/10km

So has it been suggested to you that the key is also NOT running the 5km flat out every week.

You know we could just chat on the Sub 18 thread
Apr 2015
3:52pm, 7 Apr 2015
230 posts
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Hi Gobi,

thanks for the inputs. I would chat on the sub 18 thread, but I don't like to dip my toes into that water as my best 5K is 19:23 and I feel like a fraud!

So intervals it is then. I uploaded some workouts to my watch to give them a try. I chose:

Speed: 8x400m@3m29/km, 4mins recovery
Tempo: 4x1mile@4m10/km, 2min recovery
VO2Max: 6x800m@3m46/km, 5min recovery
Yassos: 6x800m@3m06/800m(=3m53/km), 3m06 recovery

These are based on a runner world article with the pace based on a calculator of their with my 5K time inputted.

What do you think?

Apr 2015
4:06pm, 7 Apr 2015
55,638 posts
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Sadly not what I would do

Do you have a mile PB ?

Better still

fetch mail me all your PBs and I shall send you some free advice pointers :¬)
Apr 2015
4:17pm, 7 Apr 2015
232 posts
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All my PB's are up to date at but have Fmailed you a few more details,



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I have just concocted my masterplan for the next 6 months after running a 10mile PB this weekend and...

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