May 2017
11:40am, 11 May 2017
4,995 posts
I had a chance to use my Garmin 735 triathlon activity profile for the first time last weekend but was a bit floored by the idea that the swim part in the default triathlon profile was set for OW (mine was a pool swim) so I didn't bother as it didn't seem possible to edit that profile.
Now I've set up a new triathlon profile and chose pool swim. But there was no option to define the length of the pool. Does it just take that from the settings in the default swim profile?
And can we change the names of the profiles somewhere, rather than having them just Triathlon and Triathlon (2)? Assume I'd have to connect the thing to my Mac for that.
May 2017
4:14pm, 11 May 2017
484 posts
I seem to remember that, yes, it does inherit the pool length from the default pool settings. Amusingly I forgot this a couple of years ago when I did Bath sprint (which has a 50m pool), but my 910XT was somehow clever enough to work out that out.
I'm not sure the profile names are editable, someone else might know that.