Abingdon marathon 2013

21 watchers
Oct 2013
4:22pm, 23 Oct 2013
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3.03 for me which was about right for my current life and training, great event as always but was a shame to see the Fetchpoint missing.
Oct 2013
4:51pm, 23 Oct 2013
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Ron Burgundy
16 min pb for me in 3.35 :-)

I saw the fetchpoint (twice)... thought they were great :-)
Oct 2013
5:03pm, 23 Oct 2013
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I missed the fetchtpoint - where was it? In fact, the only sign of fetch I saw was Ron Burgundy's top.

Strong finish Ron ... just couldn't keep with you two over the last 2 miles.
Oct 2013
5:12pm, 23 Oct 2013
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Ron Burgundy
It was at the mile 11/20 point just before you leave the industrial estate. I think it was undercover as a water station...

Thanks DrDan... I managed to save some energy by not aeroplaning and singing to the Kaiser Chiefs ;-):-)
Oct 2013
5:45pm, 23 Oct 2013
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We were the noisy (ish) ones at 11 and 20, you clearly missed JJ Flash molesting one of the athletes!
Oct 2013
5:46pm, 23 Oct 2013
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here is the proof plus.google.com
Oct 2013
6:15pm, 23 Oct 2013
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JJ Flash
We were there but there weren't very many of us. There didn't seem to be much interest this year on this or the fetchpoint thread. I've told the organisers to find some other group to run the water station next year. We had t borrow some parkrun volunteers just to have enough people for water. Mind you there was a fetchie amongst them :)
Oct 2013
9:10am, 24 Oct 2013
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Ahhh, I do recall the water station ... although that industrial estate is all a blurr now. You were undercover as a water station marshalls and I was undercover as a Hyde Park Harrier.

And in future I'll leave the 22M aeroplaning and singing to the Kaiser Chiefs until at least the 24 mile point ...
Oct 2013
5:18pm, 24 Oct 2013
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well done everyone. Guess so many races around now that its difficult to get volunteers for them all, Sounds like fetchpoint at usual place then if a little quieter. Good work JJ x
Oct 2013
10:44am, 29 Oct 2013
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The great dollop
These things go in cycles don't they. It was certainly the quietest branding turn out from fetchies, but there was quite a few in other kit that I saw making it happen. I'm sure in a few years time it will return as a FE target race for a dozen or so people and then it will rise up the discussion threads again !

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Maintained by EvilPixie
Does anyone know when this wil be?

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