
1 watcher
Feb 2014
8:40am, 26 Feb 2014
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To be honest, part of it is a panic that I've identified Kent Roadrunner as my 50th marathon, made plans, and now need to tick the last few off. Any niggle's putting me on edge - it's like massive taper madness.
Feb 2014
8:52am, 26 Feb 2014
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It strikes me, DeeGee, that, if the niggles you're feeling now appear in Kent, the risk is that they'll be magnified and could affect your race. Your commitment & drive go without saying but think in the medium-to-longer term of your other running objectives this year.

Hope you're mended soon.
Feb 2014
9:22am, 26 Feb 2014
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I understand what you're saying, Swittle.

The next 12 weeks are purely about making it to the start line in Gravesend (and there is a backup plan if I should have to bin a "long run"). I have no plans in terms of performances other than completion. I'll walk if I have to.

After that, if I need to, I can sit back, put my feet up, take a full month or more off with no concerns, recover properly, and then train "properly" for a stab at a PB in Berlin. I haven't "done" recovery in the past, and I know I'm at my limit, endurance-wise, but it's just this final push.

That was always my plan for this year. There are risks, but this is the first time I've ever had more than a couple of days off due to injury and it's an odd feeling.

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Maintained by DeeGee
Before we start, I know the answer is going to contain the word "rest". I am doing, believe it or ...

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