Running with DOMS

2 watchers
Feb 2013
10:50am, 28 Feb 2013
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Son of a Pronator Man
Days like that are what swimming is for. It's not really training, its swimming.
Feb 2013
1:35pm, 28 Feb 2013
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runner duck
but swimming is so tiring! :)

i went for a run. it didn't hurt too much. hopefully it won't make them worse for tomorrow's intervals...
Feb 2013
1:45pm, 28 Feb 2013
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wiener dog
I despise swimming :-( I would rather run with sore legs! I cannot express the misery that I feel when swimming it just brings back hideous memories of school swimming pools being cold, being hummilited at my lack of swimming ability & my flab spilling out of school swimming costumes, & being poked with one of tose window opening poles everytime I put my face out of the water. Swimming bleuggghh! Btw I still swim like a brick even after 100's of lessons.

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Maintained by runner duck
This has probably been covered before but I've done a thread search and can't find anything.

I ...

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