Lipoma experience anyone?

1 watcher
Nov 2012
8:20pm, 13 Nov 2012
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short story: assumed a lump in the classic location for PF was scar tissue from a previous episode of the curse.

GP said it was a superficial lump - medically speaking.
Phys sent me for an ultrasound scan, consultant concluded it was a lipoma - a benign fatty lump.
Which explain why the self massage was making it worse rather than better.

The good news is that having stopped fiddling with it :-~ it's stopped being painful.

The bad news is that the consultant said there are only two options, live with it, or cut it out.

I'm attempting the live with it option, but its apparently 4cm long and 1cm deep, so much bigger and I fear I may have to consider the second option.
Has anyone dealt with this before, and are there any third options? ( not including give up running)
Nov 2012
8:21pm, 13 Nov 2012
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Johnny Blaze
I had one on my back - local anaesthetic, bish bash bosh, job done.
Nov 2012
8:37pm, 13 Nov 2012
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Live with it or hack it out are the only options. Not sure about ones on the foot specifically, but in general terms they do no harm apart from irritating if they are in a certain position (under bra straps etc).
I would have thought on the foot it would be best left well alone, the scar from the op could well cause more problems than the lipoma itself.
Nov 2012
8:42pm, 13 Nov 2012
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I have a small one in the middle of my chest. Initially thought it might have been a epigastric hernia but after a quick ultrasound identified it I'm leaving it there. It is not doing me any harm and is not really noticeable.
Nov 2012
8:46pm, 13 Nov 2012
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I've removed a few, but would generally advise leaving it alone. They can be fiddly to remove - although a lipoma feels like a solid lump through the skin, at body temperature the consistency is more like jelly that hasn't set properly and it can be difficult to distinguish the lipoma from the surrounding "normal" fat.

They're completely harmless, and don't usually cause any symptoms.
Nov 2012
9:03pm, 13 Nov 2012
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Thanks. .
Its location became an issue a few weeks ago, when my foot slipped going round a corner and I guess I did some damage cos it really hurt, like the mother of all blisters or a burn.
It's the fear of the scar tissue causing problems that puts me off having it removed and if it were pretty much anywhere else, I wouldn't be bothered by it.
I had wondered if there were any half way house, less intrusive ways of reducing the size - such as a magic injection to liquefy and suck some of it out.

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short story: assumed a lump in the classic location for PF was scar tissue from a bout of PF.

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