Dec 2015
3:56pm, 4 Dec 2015
8,874 posts
So I've had this cold thing for a couple of weeks. Felt VERY ill for a while, then it progressed to just like a normal cold thing with an annoying chesty cough that is driving my office crackers.
The cough is still floating around, I've been training inside because it's definitely worse outside, I did ride outside once and thought I might die or something. Inside it's kind of ok on the bike, running is very hard work it feels like I can't get air in properly so have hardly done any.
I thought it was getting better but today it's getting all a bit worse again and I'm getting really out of breath walking around, I just feel a bit like air isn't going in right? I don't really get colds, but figured now I'm not really feeling ill, training would be fine. Is this that sort of chest thing you aren't supposed to be training through, even though I'm not getting cold air into it?
Or are my lungs going to fall out and me die?
Dec 2015
3:59pm, 4 Dec 2015
6,299 posts
I think you are going to die, unless you STOP TRAINING.
for at least a few days and then see how it goes with a very gentle short cycle.
Dec 2015
4:15pm, 4 Dec 2015
11,849 posts
TRO Saracen
You are still ill, and the symptoms are working through.
When you are training, your body needs all its spare resources to first recover from the session and then make body adaptations that make you fitter/faster.
When you are ILL, fighting that becomes the top priority. The limited resources you have will be divided between recovering from the training, and fighting the illness. THERE IS NOTHING LEFT TO MAKE THE ADAPTATIONS THAT MAKE YOU FITTER AND FASTER. The body is very very clever, and doesn't give a shit about being stronger for next wee'ks threshold bike session when there is urgent stuff to attend to now.
So you are taking resources away from fighting the illness (so you are ill longer) in order to recover from training sessions that will be of no fitness benefit.
If you stop training, the body can get all its guns trained on the illness and you'll get better quicker and can then start doing training that your body can use!!
STOP BLOODY TRAINING!! in other words.
PS if you had stopped training a couple of weeks ago, you would probably have been training again this week and WOULD BE FITTER AND STRONGER than soldiering on as you have.
Dec 2015
4:20pm, 4 Dec 2015
11,850 posts
TRO Saracen
PPS I have done the 'soldiering on' thing as often as anyone and learnt the hard way (after several attempts I final got it). It's hard to let go, just hate the feeling to not doing anything while hard won fitness goes down the gurgler, but it is the best way to keep progressing.
Dec 2015
7:02pm, 4 Dec 2015
3 posts
Hi all, full of chesty cough and feel like death, just came on here to commiserate really. Sorry to hear you're feeling rotten, Gymfreak And thanks for wise words TRO Saracen and lammo - helps to hear if from other runners ...
Gymfreak I totally sympathise with the "just keep training" line, really do. I find it really hard to tell which way a cold's going! Feel like if I stopped every time there was a sniffle I'd not run between November and March ... Anyhow, I called it wrong last week and kept running and now I'm in the "very ill" category too. Bit horrid, isn't it? I think today was a new low when I got out of breath cycling DOWNHILL to work. Last year I had pneumonia and that was even less fun than "very ill" so here's hoping we all avoid that this year.
Dec 2015
9:00pm, 4 Dec 2015
14,125 posts
Srsly! GF, you get cranky if you don't train. Just think how cranky you will get when you properly break yourself like you are going to do. Jock is going to suffer big time.
You don't want to hear it but. STOP BLOODY TRAINING!!
Below the neck = STOP BLOODY TRAINING, now!