Jan 2012
6:25pm, 19 Jan 2012
1,439 posts
That's bad luck Mrs W. Get fixed soon but don't rush it.
Stuck on 62 at the moment ....
Hoping to tackle most of the last 38 miles whilst on my hols. T'Egypt for a week from tomorrow.
Jan 2012
7:46pm, 20 Jan 2012
1,248 posts
8.2 for me tonight, only 3 miles off 100 for January biggest Jan mileage for me since starting running.
Hope your leg heals quickly Mrs W, take it easy and enjoy your trip to Cuba
Jan 2012
7:58pm, 20 Jan 2012
723 posts
Went through the 100 this morning 1 down 11 to go.....................crickey
Goodluck everyone
Jan 2012
10:51pm, 20 Jan 2012
1,232 posts
Hope it gets better soon MrsW.
Jan 2012
10:59pm, 20 Jan 2012
7,572 posts
Jan 2012
9:33am, 21 Jan 2012
1,547 posts
Vancouver Jogger
Polished off the final 0.34 miles this morning - plus a bit more. 13/13
Jan 2012
10:18am, 21 Jan 2012
6,254 posts
21 miles this morning takes me to 84. Should be done Tuesday.
Jan 2012
10:19am, 21 Jan 2012
50 posts
Really hard 10.6 for me today on my LSR had to have a couple of little walks as I really struggled but now up to 98 so a little XC tomorrow with the dog should tick off Jan.
MRS W really sorry to hear about you problem I did exactly the same last year going over on a kerb at the end of Jan. We had places in the VLM so I rested for about 5 weeks then bought a strap thing and got out running in pain but eventually managed to get back up to milage we got round London but didn't do myself justice as the time was pretty bad and I had a lot of pain as I wasn't ready. I did learn a good lesson though and you may not want to hear this but don't go out on again too soon you must be completely pain free for at least a week before even attempting it. My ankle still swells if I am standing on it all day for any reason and I spend must of my running time with a dull ache in it also got often in bed I still feel it remember this is almost a year later for me. I didn't take on the advice given to me to be honest and I think I am still paying the price for it. I hope it goes well for you enjoy your holiday and find another Marathon when your fit for it don't do any permanent damage to yourself.
Jan 2012
10:37am, 21 Jan 2012
11,575 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
Mrs W - I second what rFr says. I went over on my ankle in Sept, did rest a week but then still tried to run Abingdon. Abandoned it halfway when the ankle started to grumble. I've started with more miles and longer runs this month and am still finding an ache each time I go that bit further for the first time
Jan 2012
10:39am, 21 Jan 2012
5,659 posts
Mrs Winkle
I'll be very sensible - I want to run for the rest of my life, and if it means not running for 2 or 3 months now, that's what I'll do. I'll be able to swim and cycle so at least I'll get better at those! lol