Reading Half Marathon

Listed by Sharpy
  • Rated 76%
  • 13.1mi
  • Road
Entrants (262) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alfadan no walking this time, m new pb !!! come on Real Buzz RC 1:41:57 1:41:57 1:45:00 1:41:57 56.93
Ally C Official chip time 1.24.29. Time by Garmin 1.24.31 - 13.30 miles covered. Achieved a sub 1.25 and a PB so pretty happy. Felt crap at the start and thought there was no way I would PB.  Second wind during the middle part of the race and went through 10 miles in 63 mins (well inside 10 mile PB!!!)  Hanging on at the end.  Good atmosphere 288th out of 11000+ runners. RAF AC, Moray Roadrunners 1:19:02 1:24:29 1:27:30 1:24:29 69.53
Ally2 Aim for sub 74. Coming off the back of good xc season and I feel as strong as an ox. Will know a better prediction after a 10k on 15th (33:19 on hilly course).  flattish course in prefect conditions with only 2 serious hills and a great feeling entering the stadium to massive noise. I was tracking a belgrave guy for the whole race and didn't die in the final 5k which was pleasing. splits 5mile 27:35, 10mile 55:47 final 5k in 17:44. A new PB by 70 secs but felt too comfortable at the end sothere's  more to give. chip 73:29 gun 73:31. came 47th Notts AC, Hermitage Harriers RC 1:05:41 1:12:57 1:13:59 1:13:29 78.90
AndrewJ Well - felt not so great in first four miles - then really picked it up at end - flying down dual carriageway. Was well in front of 1:45 pacer so not sure what went wrong.Ho Hum always next time. Great day though - free massage thanks to Adidas and shitty bus queue! Unaffiliated 1:41:16 1:45:43 1:40:00 1:45:43 56.18
andylala Unaffiliated 1:32:55 1:39:46 1:39:46 59.93
anne23 Unaffiliated 1:37:42 1:46:16 1:46:16 60.69
Annie123 entered Unaffiliated 1:23:29 1:23:29 2:23:25 47.07
araqnid Unaffiliated 2:03:39 2:03:39 2:00:00 2:03:39 46.90
B Rubble Felt quite good, was happy to go under 1:26 but would have been even happier if I'd been 47 seconds quicker. Dursley Running Club 1:25:12 1:25:46 1:25:46 71.40
BABOY Reading Roadrunners, Serpentine RC 1:20:14 1:20:14 1:19:58 1:20:14 72.34
barking Really enjoyed that - so many people - I could see people behind and ahead of me.  Happy to have a new 4 minute 4 second PB too, especially after Ashby last weekend, long journey, messing up eating, cramp for the first couple of miles.  Saw lots of Fetchies too
(Oh, and I measured 13.11) Unaffiliated 2:23:54 2:23:54 2:23:54 44.81
BBSS Unaffiliated 2:10:44 2:10:44 2:10:00 2:10:44 49.65
Beccals Unaffiliated 1:43:12 1:43:12 1:43:12 63.56
becksr1 Unaffiliated 1:56:57
BGW/PK Gruffalo rrws 1:34:42 1:34:42 1:36:52 61.73
BigEvilC Kent AC 1:29:12 1:31:41 1:31:00 1:31:41 67.91
Billsy great weather, started the morning cold, but warmed up nicely - perfect for the race
got a good pace (thanks to Simon) and managed to stick with it most of the way, when struggling he kept me going
very chuffed at beating the 2 hours and by 3 mins!  - a full 15 mins quicker than last year!

Cruisers Running Club 1:54:07 1:57:02 2:05:00 1:57:02 56.92
bluefinch10k Unaffiliated 1:22:01 1:22:01 1:23:00 1:22:01 70.69
Bren* Unaffiliated 1:46:00 1:46:00 1:46:00 60.83
Brendan Unaffiliated 2:05:03 2:05:03 2:13:39 44.44
BrettFalcus Unaffiliated 1:31:05 1:37:27 1:37:27 60.03
BrianK Hungerford Hares 1:21:31 1:37:36 1:44:52 60.38
Bumface Purple Patch Runners 1:23:19 1:33:29 1:36:09 63.69
buncheee Prep has been hindered by a calf niggle and consistent hamstring problem. Try to take things easy as we run up to the event and hope we can manage to get round Unaffiliated 2:16:00 2:20:16 2:30:00 2:20:16 43.66
Burto Hatch Warren Runners 1:50:50 2:13:23 2:13:23 43.59
buttercup600 Unaffiliated 2:38:14 2:38:14 2:45:00 2:38:14 41.64
bw Reading Roadrunners 1:26:30 1:26:30
carlbob London FrontRunners 1:34:30 1:36:43 1:40:00 1:36:43 59.94
CB. Unaffiliated 1:54:07 3:10:02
CC2 Speedy Goth I so have to find somewhere cheap to stay on the saturday night, just realised it's at least a 3 hour drive away! Notts AC, VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Midland Masters A C 1:24:51 1:33:05 1:34:29 1:33:05 69.29
ceri I totally underestimated the crowds!  But I managed a sub 60 10k but suffered from the congestion! Unaffiliated 2:04:57 2:04:57 2:00:00 2:04:57 53.65
Chalkus Bournemouth AC 1:14:30 1:16:24
Chazzee Slow start - jostling through the crowd, strong finish - felt great in the last 3 miles. Serpentine RC, Westbury Harriers 1:23:18 1:23:18 1:25:22 67.91
chestnut Leeds City AC 1:31:52 1:31:52 1:31:52 63.11
ck Sandhurst Joggers 1:53:00 1:53:00 1:59:00 1:53:00 63.10
controversial Clapham Chasers 1:12:46 1:17:04 1:18:16 74.29
CR1970 Unaffiliated 1:44:09 1:58:39 1:58:39 55.53
Dalya Dorking & Mole Valley AC 2:14:12
DanHan Unaffiliated 1:40:54 1:40:54 1:40:54 59.26
Dap Unaffiliated 2:10:36 2:10:38 2:10:38 50.01
Dave B Unaffiliated 1:27:05 1:33:42 1:45:10 55.14
DaveH Pre FLM race-pace jolly.

Neither jolly nor race pace. Hungover to hell and felt awful before, during and after. Unaffiliated 1:21:12 1:24:09 1:30:00 1:24:09 68.89
DeanOr Unaffiliated 2:09:30 2:09:30 2:26:00 40.54
Deenzy Gutted to have missed this last year, Would love to go Sub 1.30 (if I haven't already!) :)

Wimbledon Windmilers 1:21:39 1:28:51 1:29:30 1:28:51 66.45
DH Unaffiliated
Dibble FERC, Maidenhead & District Cycling Club 1:28:11 1:52:33 1:55:00 1:52:33 57.73
Diogenes Not bad since I generally ran this well within myself.  Think I did at least a 1/4 mile extra finding a route through the crowds Unaffiliated 1:46:39 1:46:39 1:51:00 1:48:30 55.98
DIY Diva no bets - injured Ranelagh Harriers, Vets AC 1:42:13 1:49:24 2:04:07 55.25
Dizzy K Stubbington Green Runners 2:00:46 2:00:46 2:00:46 53.40
Doris not the best time, not in the right frame of mind, but glad i did itnone the less Norwich Road Runners 1:57:02 2:17:45 2:17:45 48.67
Dowse Birmingham Running, Athletics, & Triathlon Club (BRAT), Malvern Joggers 1:28:08 1:38:17 1:48:06 53.63
Dowsey Still injured so expecting to struggle round.  Result: Managed to record a half-decent time under the circumstances so reasonably pleased.  Despite my discomfort I felt inspired by a T shirt which read, Unaffiliated 1:51:01 1:51:01 1:58:25 57.38
DTB Dodgy stomach had to go right at start. Then every few miles needed to go but realised still had to get back to start so just kept until the end. From about mile 8 in 'damage limitation' mode to get round in under 2hrs. Unaffiliated 1:44:03 1:49:34 1:55:00 1:57:30 49.48
Duffo British Military Fitness 1:55:00 1:55:00 1:55:00 53.25
dvc Unaffiliated 1:29:53 1:35:40
EggFuYoung Good run - first half was quite slow, but sped up in second half and finished well Unaffiliated 1:48:30 1:48:30 1:48:30 53.50
Ela was worried about my ankle - which i'd sprained a couple of weeks before. 
however - no pain during the run
pain post run - and a good hobble
however a couple of days later and no pain! Unaffiliated 2:03:35 2:03:35 2:10:00 2:04:00 52.00
emmaj3 Newbury AC 2:27:45 2:27:45 2:27:45 43.82
Ex Chimney Totley AC 1:42:45 2:01:30 2:01:30 49.21
Floating Runner gonna break pb on this, want to go sub 1:40 but will see Unaffiliated 1:43:54 1:40:00
flossfour40 Unaffiliated 1:52:54
Footpad Phew! Now all I have to do is get my Helly base layer back somehow! Unaffiliated 1:47:22 1:56:50 1:58:00 1:56:50 52.42
franciskieran Swindon Harriers 1:42:39 1:54:44 1:53:00 1:54:44 50.53
Freeman Mornington Chasers 1:13:54 1:16:48 1:16:48 75.71
frump fantastic average pace 10 min miles 
disapointed noy under 2hr 15 BUT did have a toilet stop!! Unaffiliated 2:15:07 2:16:16 2:30:00 2:16:16 49.19
fungel yah i broke the 1hr 50 barrier, started of with 8.30 min miles then picked up second half of the race Wroughton Whippets 1:34:24 1:48:41 1:50:00 1:48:41 54.32
FurryH Well perfect conditions for the run if a tad cold at the start.  Felt really good all way round until mile 11 and 12.  But managed to hang on in and get a PB   At mile 10 heard Easy, Easy from behind and a couple of seconds later MickNPhil sailed past with works of encouragement.  Met some fetchies along the way and the support from crowd and non running fetchies was excellent. Watford Joggers 1:41:28 2:00:05 2:08:00 2:07:47 45.38
Fuzzy Woohoo PB Sandhurst Joggers 1:43:20 1:56:05 2:02:00 1:56:05 50.22
Gayle Unaffiliated 2:07:33 2:07:33 2:20:00 2:07:33 50.67
GAZGIB I surprised myself in this race with almost 5 minutes quicker than expected. Marathon training must be paying off. My quickest Half for 2 years the last 10 races. Another 30 seconds and it would have been the quickest for 3 years and sixteen races. (if only I had known that at the time) Bracknell Forest Runners 1:35:38 1:52:15 1:57:00 1:52:15 52.59
Geoff B Unaffiliated 1:24:41 1:39:18 1:39:18 58.38
GoJimGo going for a time!!! Started a little too far back - didn't feel like I was getting anywhere for first 3 miles or so. Pleased with time though, as 13 miles is a bit beyond my comfort zone. Unaffiliated 1:42:40 1:42:40 1:42:40 64.94
Goofee Unaffiliated 1:39:15 1:58:36 2:00:00 1:58:36 52.50
grahamk345 Shocking - ill for two weeks before but everything went well UKnetrunner 1:27:16 1:30:11 1:55:00 1:43:05 56.24
GrayBay Unaffiliated 1:50:00
Gren Unaffiliated 2:15:00
grinlee Reading Joggers 1:56:18 1:56:56 1:56:56 51.52
gtbaker Unaffiliated 2:02:00
Gymfreak Datchet Dashers 1:35:38 1:41:34 1:41:34 63.48
Hainesy/Dangerous Best half marathon time - with Darren Scott Unaffiliated 1:39:52 1:39:52 1:39:52 58.54
Harbs Unaffiliated 1:46:56 1:46:56 1:46:56 55.21
Hardcore Runner Easingwold RC 1:36:16 1:41:11 1:50:00 1:45:06 59.24
hardcorerunner Sweatshop Nottingham Running Group 1:41:47 1:41:47 1:41:47 56.96
Harry Magoota Northbrook AC, Coventry Triathletes 1:32:08
Heavyweight UKnetrunner 1:41:41 1:41:46 1:45:01 59.79
HelenJane Unaffiliated 1:51:42 1:51:42 1:59:59 1:51:42 60.89
Hills of Death (HOD) Legs start to feel Connermara after 8 miles may of done a 1.38 tough going :( Barnet & District AC, Riverside Runners 1:38:21 1:39:43 1:35:00 1:40:00 59.04
HollyB Very happy. Much better than last time, and I enjoyed it! Unaffiliated 2:22:27 2:24:14 2:26:46 2:24:14 45.00
hope to... Still not race fit, but i am running with a friend and looking forward to it. Unaffiliated 2:05:11 2:11:44 2:15:00 2:11:44 50.89
Hornet77 great run, ran all the way,nice to meet lots of other fetchies, well done all of you :) Unaffiliated 2:04:49 2:04:49 2:10:00 2:07:28 48.04
Ian147 Unaffiliated 1:32:38 1:37:40 1:37:40 59.69
icklechick Unaffiliated 1:38:04 1:42:23 1:42:23 62.99 Unaffiliated 1:43:42 1:48:23 1:52:43 51.44
Isabel VEGAN RUNNERS UK 1:54:33 1:54:33 1:59:59 1:54:33 56.39
james6161 Billingham Marsh House Harriers & AC 1:31:00 1:40:15 1:40:15 63.16
JAPMitch Woking AC 1:11:55 1:11:55 1:11:55 81.34
JasonTheKnight Unaffiliated 1:46:31 2:03:46 2:03:26 2:03:46 46.85
jcmwatkins Reading Roadrunners 1:59:59 2:37:14 2:37:14 37.55
Jiffy Underestimated my lack fitness, not a good day. Unaffiliated 1:26:41 1:36:41 1:37:00 1:49:42 53.00
Jigs Unaffiliated 1:19:28 1:24:17 1:24:17 71.48
Jim7 Came 97th on gun time and aPB :-) Garmin very useful! TeamBath AC 1:13:28 1:17:49 1:20:00 1:17:49 74.50
John Tovell Ranelagh Harriers, Sandhurst Joggers 1:42:24 2:13:02 2:13:02 51.07
Johnboy2502 Unaffiliated 1:43:21 1:46:31 2:01:00 48.05
JonCPRC Chineham Park Running Club 1:39:59 1:49:16 2:00:00 1:50:36 53.11
JonnyB Will be cramp free this year! Unaffiliated 2:22:53 2:00:00
JonnyJeans Unaffiliated 1:23:55 1:24:35 1:30:00 1:27:54 66.55
Juan Unaffiliated
Julia M Unaffiliated 2:06:44 2:14:24 2:14:24 47.97
Just John My first half - I wanted to go sub 2hrs but only expected to scrape in. But I did it and with room to spare - really pleased.  Garmin measured it at 13.30miles, same as quite a few others it seems... Unaffiliated 1:43:48 1:50:44 2:00:00 1:50:44 52.37
Justonemorehill Mumbles Milers 1:51:38 1:51:38 1:49:00 1:51:38 59.67
Katerson Unaffiliated 2:04:00 2:04:00 2:04:00 52.00
Kato Unaffiliated 2:30:07 2:35:13 2:45:00 2:35:13 41.54
Kaz D Unaffiliated 2:07:29 2:17:42 2:17:42 46.82
KDJ Reading Joggers 2:00:15
keets Unaffiliated 1:39:01 1:44:14 1:46:49 55.60
KevR Oxford Tri 1:24:35 1:24:35 1:24:59 1:24:35 68.54
Kew A pb - wanted a good FLM confidence booster, and felt i breezed round this until close to the end when it started to hurt going round the stadium. Really had great fun all the way Reading Joggers 1:39:54 1:44:18 1:44:18 62.23
Kimberlina Great race as always.  Very pleased with my time :-) Wimbledon Windmilers 2:07:04 2:11:40 2:11:40 50.04
KITCHEN Tadley Runners 1:48:12 1:48:12 1:48:12 59.02
ktok Unaffiliated 1:41:38 1:44:18 1:55:00 1:48:34 53.70
LambChop Hermitage Harriers RC 1:55:56 2:08:50 2:08:50 50.26
lammo Unaffiliated 1:49:01 1:49:01 1:45:00 1:57:17 49.58
leg-iron Unaffiliated 1:38:42 1:38:43 1:44:02 56.75
lennoxr Maidenhead AC 1:19:51 1:27:16 1:28:00 1:27:16 68.05
lesleyanne Unaffiliated 2:28:58 2:28:58 2:50:00 2:37:24 50.53
Lillias Epsom Allsorts, Epsom Oddballs RC 1:58:54 1:58:54 1:53:00
lilmssquirrel Unaffiliated 2:13:27 2:05:00
linsblake Dreadful race - shouldn't have done it having been off sick the week before but decided I would give it a go.  Decided at mile 6 that actually I was still ill but not knowing how to get back to the stadium decided to carry on running - what doesn't kill us and all that! Unaffiliated 1:56:00 2:05:59 1:57:00 2:05:59 52.88
Little Giant relatively flat with a few short ups and downs.  very good organization.  good goody bag. 
I didn't train enough so it was like running in somebody else's body.  I want to go faster and stronger kicking the ground off but my body does not move against my will.  Frustrating but discovered how much training can transform my strength and speed!! I'll do better next time!
To leave, the queue for bus was long and the road was busy so took about an hour to get to the town centre. might be quicker to walk if the queue is bad. Unaffiliated 1:50:06 1:54:59 2:05:00 2:02:13 52.81
little monkey Unaffiliated 2:10:17 2:10:00
Liz99 Unaffiliated 1:54:00 1:54:00 1:54:00 57.11
Mal Not bad, given that I'd barely trained and went into the race with a dodgy knee (which fortunately didn't flare up) Barnes Runners, Horsham Joggers 1:27:11 1:42:25 1:40:00 1:42:25 56.61
mandychamp This is my first half marathon, I have done a couple of 10k recently, to be honest I just want to finish! Unaffiliated 2:26:28 2:33:40 2:45:00 2:33:40 43.62
Mandymoo Not my best race ..... Whitecliffs Athletics and Running Club 2:04:58 2:11:00 2:10:00 2:13:00 50.75
manicstreetpounder Looking forward to this and hoping I can get under 1:20. UPDATE: Decided to go for 6 m/m from the off and just hang on as long as I could. The plan to 10M in exactly one hour and just about kept the pace going to the end. Very happy! Unaffiliated 1:18:58 1:18:58 1:19:59 1:18:58 75.21
mar Want to improve on Bath half last year (2hrs 15mins) shin splints 1:54:00 2:01:30 2:09:00 2:01:30 54.83
MarcT Unaffiliated 1:38:18
Marigold The big sub 70 attempt!!

68:07 and really pleased even though I did go off like a bit of a loony for the first 10k I think with a bit better pacing and slightly fresher legs ( Still clocked up 90 for the week even with a mini taper) I could have broken 68. Not that I'm complaining and I am really chuffed!!

5k splits were,

15:34  ( 10k in 31:32 which is a PB by almost a minute)
04:03  (Came in at 13.21 miles so slightly long last bit)

So as you can see I paid the price for the 10K PB and it was the legs in the second half which started to give in. The HR average was actually what I would expect for a HM ( even for the fast first half) but the legs wouldn't allow me to keep the speed up for the 2nd half. 

4:30 PB from this time last year in Bath so really pleased with the progress, much more confident about my sub 2:25 attempt now.

Bournemouth AC 1:06:10 1:08:07 1:09:59 1:08:07 85.36
markuu Chip time, much nicer day than last time I ran this Pewsey Vale RC 1:39:13 1:48:29 1:48:29 59.38
MarkyS Reading Roadrunners, Saffron Striders RC 1:27:24 1:34:09 1:34:09 61.58
MattTheRat Sub-80, but I cut it pretty fine! Schoolboy error (forgetting to charge my Garmin) left me running blind from the first mile. Had to just race it - trying to overtake people, minimise those that went past me and push on whenever I felt the pace was slowing. Had no real idea how I was doing (10k clock, some times at 4 miles and 9 from runners near me) and had to sprint like a madman to cross the line at 80:07. Chip timing saved my day! Felt pretty strong all the way and had more in the tank at the end - recovered very quickly. So very happy! Victoria Park Harriers & Tower Hamlets AC 1:19:59 1:19:59 1:19:59 1:19:59 77.20
Max71 Unaffiliated 2:05:18 2:20:46 2:20:46 46.60
McGoohan Changed me mind. I *shall* go to the ball. Just don't bet on me: I'm doing it for the 'fun' FERC, LDWA 1:45:58 1:50:00 1:49:30 1:50:00 57.08
Mel Ranelagh Harriers 1:47:39 1:49:03 1:49:03 59.90
Melbourne Runner Unaffiliated 1:44:57 1:50:33 1:56:27 56.87
Michael G Reading Roadrunners, Trail Running Association 1:18:07 1:18:07 1:17:59 1:18:07 79.71
michelleski Unaffiliated
MikeJ UKnetrunner 1:24:20 1:40:14 1:45:00 1:40:14 63.71
Mikey Mel Unaffiliated 1:38:07 1:38:07 1:40:07 59.72
Miss Minx OMG that was awful! Well, ok the first half was ok. Then my right knee began to ache. I thought I'd ignore it but it ached on and on and eventually I had cramp in my groin. I've not had cramp in my groin before, and I couldn't really shift it. So each mile required a stop to stretch and some walking, and the running was reduced to a shuffle. Pretty demoralising, but I know the reasons. Holding on to the positives, the first half *was* good, the support and atmosphere were fab, and the weather was super too. 
PS - Apologies to those that bet on me :-( Unaffiliated 2:00:02 2:06:57 2:08:00 2:21:16 45.69
Missjanice aiming for 1:45 hopefully,
im training for this one Stragglers 1:51:59 1:51:59 1:45:00 1:51:59 57.58
mitch01 d n f. The first part of the race went very well, no pain in the ankle until 7.5 mile point and got some pain and got wores as the race went on. the second half was a complete distaster i collapsed at 12.4 mile and got picked up by ambulance and taken to the madical centre. found  out i drank to to much fluid on the day. Team Kennet 1:33:20 1:49:57 1:32:00
molarman  Brilliant organisation again(take note Bath!) and brilliant weather.Pb so over the moon :- ) Stone Master Marathoners 1:15:41 1:16:37 1:17:35 77.65
monkey harris well happy with the time :-) Unaffiliated 1:54:33 1:54:33 1:55:00 1:54:33 52.20
Monster Feet Provisional race time entered. Sneaked under 1:45 and am made up. Mile 1 far too slow, and was very unconfident about 8 min/mile - up until mile 12 was still at least 8 secs under the pace. Had a tussle with the 1:45 pacing group when they overtook mile 2 and couldn't get ahead of them until mile 6.
Finish was AMAZING - the bit I remember, anyway :) Unaffiliated 1:44:57 1:44:57 1:45:00 1:44:57 61.43
morebeer Had cold week before! Frist half. Tadworth AC 1:40:17 1:52:21 2:10:00 2:21:10 41.82
Morf Reading Joggers 1:35:42 1:46:50 1:49:59 61.84
morganpeet Unaffiliated 1:49:01 1:49:01 1:49:01 61.10
mothrunner This will be my second half, hoping for a better time than in my first race, if only because this is a flatter course.  Unfortunately my training has been disrupted by illness, so I'm not so sure... UPDATE: Thrilled with the time, can't believe I beat 2 hours by so much, especially as I was slowed down a lot over the first few miles with all the congestion.  Great atmosphere, though, and lovely flat route! Headington RoadRunners 1:52:55 1:55:57 2:05:00 1:55:57 56.53
Mouse. BADtri, Pirate Ship Of Fools 2:03:48 2:03:48 2:10:49 49.61
Mr Chops Unaffiliated 1:37:49 1:37:59 1:38:48 59.00
Mr. K. Great day out & the new PB was certainly unexpected. I was helped by other Fetch runners - sorry if I forget names but special mention to Dave B during the last mile or so - thanks. Nice to meet a few just after the race. (1.44.16 is a Garmin time) Cove Joggers, Windle Valley Runners 1:38:00 1:42:56 1:44:16 57.35
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) Gun time 1:38:17, chip time 1:37:07. garmin time 1:36:51. Set out with Peacey & Don Bubbles with Peacey pacing at 7:30 mm, gradually crept ahead of them after a couple of miles, thought I would see how I felt and reign it in if not going well, saw HOD up ahead near the end of mile 3, had a chat and pressed on, felt really good (apart from a crushing headache) so went with it. Quite a warm run so made sure I had water and tipped some down myself to cool off at 3 water stations, very happy to finish in the time that I did considering 2 weeks ago I did Broadland half in 1:43. Well pleased to finish 3rd in my category!! :o) Good to have my Wonderful Husband waiting for me at the finish, he didn't run me in this time, I wonder why ;) Good to see so many familiar and new Fetchies, well done to everyone and especially those who achieved their goals today! :o) Unaffiliated 1:31:50 1:37:07 1:37:07 78.86
Muriel Tunbridge Wells Harriers 1:31:59 1:38:06 1:40:00 1:38:06 59.10
mystique100 First mile was 10mins25secs and I really thought that my prediction was in jeopardy.

Most of the roads are very wide so there's plenty of room, and for the more narrower roads its okay to run for a little on the pavement.

Its an undulating course with some parts (Reading town centre) where it can feel like climbing up a wall :-( Though those spots are few and near the middle of the race so its not an issue - just be prepared for it.

The last 3-4 miles are fairly flat and its possible to do a few quicker splits here.

Its my third time and I think I have now got it right (for me). Will do it again next year and aim for 1h:50secs.
 Its a great course, great fellow runner/joggers/walkers, and very well organised! Unaffiliated 1:40:04 1:57:52 2:00:00 1:57:52 49.63
Nailsea Plodder First time at Reading. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Almost did FAR better than I expected, but happy. A bit congested in the first 4 miles, but couldn't fault it other than that. Unaffiliated 1:38:51 1:45:21 1:50:00 1:45:21 62.22
Nic.1 Using this race as training run 50 Marathon Club, Reading Joggers, Wargrave Runners 1:33:43 2:12:31 2:12:35 63.23
nomorehills :) Handy Cross Runners 1:52:12 1:52:12 1:52:12 52.93
not built for speed Hopefully!!


Amazing!! I'm really pleased!! Thanks to everyone who cheered along the route! 26.2 Road Runners Club 1:49:24 2:01:38 2:05:00 2:01:38 53.01
Oatcake Unaffiliated 1:57:11 2:12:15 2:30:00 2:18:29 48.41
oceanspirit A little bit of unfinished business to take care of. I WILL run it this time!!!! I WILL NOT be ill!!! Swindon Striders 2:04:50 2:25:45 2:30:00 2:29:16 43.21
oneronaldo Bit dissapointed not to get below 1hr 45 as the race went well. Bearbrook Joggers RC 1:43:12 1:45:43 1:49:59 1:45:43 70.01
Ouijiboard Unaffiliated 2:01:09 2:01:09 2:16:07 42.59
OxfordTristan Taking this slowly as last big run before the Paris half Unaffiliated 1:44:22 1:45:00
paddy marke Unaffiliated 3:03:00 2:20:00
Peacey No PB attempt for me here. 
Will be running it at FLM race pace as a decent training run. Also up for pacing someone if they are looking for a time around 1.34 mark.
Will be Pacing Don to hopefully a new PB. Im thinking around 1-36 (7.20mm Pace) 
I KNOW you can do this mate. 
All good up to 8 miles, bang on 7.30mm for a 1.38 PB for Don. His Knee went just after 8 and we lost 5 mins over last 5 miles. Gutted for Don, big time. There will be other days mate. 
Fcuk it. White Horse Harriers AC 1:20:00 1:25:20 1:43:21 56.16
Penelope Pitstop Weston AC 1:47:49 1:57:06 2:00:00 1:59:30 55.74
Peteb69 Great race today surprised myself running a PB, allways good fun to meet fellow Fetchies. Well done everyone. 100 Marathon Club, Serpentine RC 1:25:21 1:31:19 1:35:00 1:31:19 65.04
plodding hippo sorry, trotts stopped me getting a pb 100 Marathon Club 1:56:30 1:57:46 1:59:25 56.95
ponyhead First half marathon; aiming for sub 2h, so was happy enough Unaffiliated 1:48:34 1:53:12 1:57:44 50.44
Prof Disco Dean 2nd half off weekend going for pw? done personal worst by 17secs  enjoyed both races Reading Roadrunners 1:22:36 1:24:31 1:39:26 58.31
puddles Cambridge & Coleridge AC 1:38:49 1:42:06 1:42:06 63.15
Puffing Bertie Unaffiliated 1:58:06 2:22:00 2:22:00 48.29
pumpkin Went well. Pleased with this Sandhurst Joggers 1:57:23 1:57:23 2:00:00 1:57:23 58.41
rachelcronin Unaffiliated 1:57:00 1:57:00 2:01:00 53.29
rainman Unaffiliated 1:47:04 1:48:08 1:48:08 55.71
Rapscallion Unaffiliated 1:45:00 1:45:08 1:56:42 51.63
richisbradders Unaffiliated 2:07:30 2:07:30 2:20:59 41.12
RJFroud Unaffiliated 1:45:36 1:45:36 1:45:36 55.62
Ruckers Clapham Chasers 1:41:00 1:41:00 1:41:00 64.26
Running Beer 2nd half marathon...bring it on! 26.2 Road Runners Club 1:52:40 2:13:12 2:30:00 2:24:58 39.99
runningbean Terrible, terrible, terrible terrible.

My plan was to run the first three miles at 8 minute/mile (ish) then see if I could keep something like that pace up. It ALL went horribly wrong and I had to throttle back, hoping I'd come in at a respectable 1h50 but the further I went the slower I got. Splits: 8:02, 8:10, 8:46, 8:43, 8:14, 8:33, 9:10, 9:14, 9:29, 9:16, 10:01, 10:01, 10:00, 0:48 Unaffiliated 1:42:38 1:47:18 1:58:32 48.91
runningl8 Unaffiliated 1:39:27 1:39:27 1:39:27 59.72
runningoncoffee Unaffiliated 1:52:00 1:52:00 1:52:00 51.91
sallykate Sneaked a tiny PB ... happy! FERC 2:19:04 2:19:04 2:25:00 2:22:16 47.12
sarahbob Garden City Runners 1:43:33 1:48:43 1:51:38 59.03
sb300869 Striders of Croydon AC 1:33:00 1:33:00 1:52:12 52.93
SCD Unaffiliated 2:02:00 2:02:00 1:59:00 2:02:00 52.80
SCOOBY1964 Unaffiliated 2:26:01 2:33:00 2:33:00 40.36
Seagrave Birmingham Running, Athletics, & Triathlon Club (BRAT) 1:28:36 1:38:51 1:46:59 54.19
sebby Dudley Kingswinford RC 2:03:20 2:11:44 2:17:38 46.85
Sephiroth Dissappointed i didnt beat 1.40 as had to stop to tie up shoe laces. Annoyed by how rude and arrogant people were in this race almost got shoved to the floor at one point. Unaffiliated 1:41:00 1:41:00 1:45:00 1:41:00 57.40
SH_UK 100 Marathon Club, Swanley & District AC 1:27:49 1:31:12 1:40:00 1:38:15 60.45
Sharpy Started well and felt good.  Faed a little thought mile 9,10, and 12, otherwise cold ahve  broken 1:35
1 mile  7:10
2 miles 14:16
3 miles 21:35
4 miles 28:45
6 miles 42:45
8 miles 58:05
10 miles 1:12:52
11 miles 1:20:05
12 miles 1:27:45 Unaffiliated 1:35:48 1:35:48 1:35:55 1:35:48 61.31
Shin-Twigs never done this one before, looking forward to meeting so many fetchies* woo hoo!!  pb for me nearly died between mile 11.5 and 12.5 don't remember a lot about that one need to work on my finish could of got 2.05 if i the wheels hadn't come off.  great to meet so many fetchies.
Unaffiliated 2:06:37 2:06:37 2:10:07 2:06:37 52.61
Shortstop:o) Unaffiliated 1:46:06 1:49:17 1:49:17 59.57
Shred Betty Lost the plot between miles 10 - 12 and had to walk a few bits, I'm sure I could get close to 2:15! Lliswerry Runners 1:56:22 2:08:28 2:25:00 2:17:52 48.04
Sid Decided to run with sb at her pace. Enjoyed it and sb got a pb so that was great! no issues ( : saw a few lady fetchies doing well... Sandhurst Joggers 1:35:10 1:43:23 2:16:00 49.29
sister UKnetrunner 1:39:58 1:44:29 1:46:00 1:45:05 67.13
skiddy! Very dissapointed with time as actually 5 mins slower than last year. Next year I won't start right at the back because the slow start didn't help and neither did being trapped behind the Pantomime horse, or a chatty fellow competitor who must have slowed me down. Overall though, a very good and well run event and much better than last year when I didn't get any lucozade or a goody bag.... Running 4 Women Club, Womens Running Network 2:42:50 2:47:02 2:30:00 2:47:02 41.05
sluggett Chepstow Harriers 2:04:03 2:16:00 2:16:00 53.04
smiley broadling Really enjoyable, better than last year! Battled with strange pull across the hip bone between 5-10 miles but it subsided eventually... Unaffiliated 2:04:57 2:16:21 2:16:21 48.86
Smoggy Hoping for a new PB on this fast course!  

Just outside PB, excellent course very well organised with good stadium finish,  really enjoyed it!! Billingham Running Club 1:22:56 1:33:10 1:32:45 1:33:10 63.74
Southcoastpete Unaffiliated 2:02:23 2:02:23 1:58:00 2:02:23 48.53
Southwales22 Pretty please let me have a sub 2!! *edit* run training not really been priority lately, will just go with how i feel on the day Unaffiliated 1:43:51 1:55:59 1:59:59 1:57:50 54.72
SparkyMark Alchester RC (Bicester) 1:35:01
Spongey Unaffiliated 1:56:20 1:56:20 1:56:20 49.89
Spooner Runs Bexley AC 1:27:26 1:30:02 1:30:00 1:30:02 64.39
Sportysteph Got up at 7am  Had porridge and piece of toast with peanut butter.  Left for race at 8.  Went to the toilet just before race start.  Started steady but over 8minute miles.  Still feeling fresh after half way so started to speed up a bit. Didn't check watch every mile.  Passed 11 miles at 1hr 25. Tried to speed up again for last 2 miles and was passing other runners at end.    Could have done a couple of minutes faster. Unaffiliated 1:39:31 1:42:02 1:45:00 1:42:02 65.29
StephenT Unaffiliated 2:01:24 2:01:24 2:01:24 48.02
stevep1000uk Missed last years due to injury. Hoping to avoid injury this time round and break that PB but by how much will depend on how running goes over the next couple of months
UPDATE: Midway between my realistic target and optimistic target. Really enjoyed it and raised a decent amount of money for the Duchess of Kent hospice which we passed at around 8.5 mile where they had the water station opposite Prospect Park. Enjoyed the support and really liked the drummer band under the IDR. A good day. Body feels mashed now though. Unaffiliated 1:41:11 1:42:36 1:45:00 1:42:36 57.01
SteveT Hart Road Runners 1:22:10 1:26:40 1:23:00 1:28:38 69.67
stig Knackered after 0 miles Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow AC 2:10:00 2:25:31 2:25:31 42.79
Stouty Unaffiliated 1:28:42 1:46:00 1:46:00 54.76
sue c Rothwell & District Harriers 1:34:09 1:34:09 1:34:09 69.67
surreystriderâ„¢ Unaffiliated 1:39:06 1:43:59 1:43:59 57.11
Sweetner Unaffiliated 1:34:30 1:34:30 1:34:30 68.25
Synthpop Unaffiliated 1:36:52 1:51:34 1:51:34 52.25
Targocid Unaffiliated 1:32:16 1:57:58 1:54:00 1:57:58 49.56
The Chippie Unaffiliated 1:30:32 1:30:32 1:35:00 1:30:32 64.04
the vicious chicken Unaffiliated 2:07:07 2:07:07 2:07:07 50.72
TheBeetroot Sadly this will be a DNS as I am injured :-( Unaffiliated 2:37:57 2:37:57 DNS
Thebladerunner Unaffiliated 1:59:00
Tia Lonely Goat RC 1:46:52 1:46:52 1:46:52 60.73
Tiptoes Reading Roadrunners 1:37:20 1:41:41 1:40:00 1:41:41 58.80
ToBaldlyGo Very well organised race and weather was perfect. Had a poor race though. Ached all over and legs very stiff. This is my worst time for ages. Beaten by a camel Weston AC 2:02:08 2:02:08 2:31:08 44.95
tomhirst Unaffiliated 1:44:45 1:44:45 2:00:00 1:49:53 52.76
TomM Reading Half Marathon.  Almost perfect weather - sunny and warm with a slight breeze.  Pacing Karen, kept to 9:30 pace for most of the race, but too fast on Mile 11 (around 8:40 pace).  Let Karen go ahead and struggled for last 2 miles (around 10:30 pace), but finished on the preedicted pace (actually a little over).  Used gels at each water station, but not sure if they helped.  Legs suffered for a burst of speed on Russell St (2nd hill) and after and again in Mile 11.
Stubbington Green Runners 1:58:38 2:04:05 2:04:05 55.77
TommyTank Started at the back1:45-55 zone which was a mistake.  I spend the entire race dodgin through people.  Gun time was 5 mins slower than chip time.  Really enjoyed my first half.   Beautiful day. Unaffiliated 1:43:39 1:43:39 1:45:00 1:43:39 55.94
Tonius Unaffiliated 1:41:30 1:41:30 1:42:10 56.75
topcorner Sandhurst Joggers 1:56:48 1:56:48 2:04:59 1:56:48 49.65
tr_88 Unaffiliated 2:06:17 2:29:42 2:29:42 38.73
Trickstar Unaffiliated 2:12:47 2:12:47 2:12:47 49.62
tucola Harpenden Arrows 1:23:59 1:23:59 1:23:59 69.23
tulip Optimistic about PB - will review this nearer the time as I would like to aim for 2 hrs 20.....***UPDATE*** can't believe I ran it this fast!! And even managed a final sprint!!!! FERC 2:20:28 2:20:28 2:25:00 2:20:28 46.69
TW Taking it easy....under 1.40 would be acceptable......reasonable run, steady all the way round, pleased to come in under 1.40, though was hoping for under 1.38 at about 8-9 miles, then slowed a little. Unaffiliated 1:30:57 1:39:26 1:40:00 1:39:26 60.13
UltraMrsR Unaffiliated 1:54:42 1:54:42 1:50:00 1:54:42 56.59
Um Bongo Sandhurst Joggers, Windle Valley Runners 1:42:48 1:46:06 1:49:00
Unicorn Clevedon AC 1:11:13 1:22:39 1:22:39 75.96
Vi Ninety Day Challenge Burton AC 2:14:27 2:14:27 2:14:27 43.69
Vicksta There is no way I will match last year's time, but I would dearly love to crack 1:40 again. Update: Just made my target time. Really enjoyed the race, but faded in the last 3 miles. Harlow RC 1:36:55 1:36:55 1:39:59 1:39:35 65.18
Vindicator PROVISIONAL TIME: Full report later, but how hard could it have been to run 1 sec per mile quicker for a sub 1:30? Harlow RC 1:28:30 1:30:12 1:31:00 1:30:12 64.63
Waveydavey Faded towards the end, but otherwise pleased enough Reading Roadrunners 1:34:53 1:37:07 1:37:07 63.06
weiser Unaffiliated 1:35:50 1:44:00 1:44:00 55.74
Whippet123 Unaffiliated 2:30:11 2:30:11 2:50:00 2:45:00 44.23
Wiggins Unaffiliated 1:19:06 1:22:10 1:26:00 1:22:10 70.57
wiglet Had to give it a miss due to sickness bug - my first duck-out damn damn damn - but I am pretty bloody ill! Unaffiliated 1:35:47 1:40:53
Windsor Wool nice course, great support; if all large events are as as well organized as this I'm in for more Datchet Dashers, Vets AC 1:20:42 1:27:58 1:27:58 66.50
Wozza25 Unaffiliated 1:46:36 1:46:36 1:45:00 1:46:36 54.39
Yazoo Runnymede Runners 1:17:55 1:19:42 1:19:42 73.39
Yorkie78 Unaffiliated 1:50:01 1:52:30 2:15:00 1:59:11 48.64
Zoom Used this one as training run in build up to flm, and number 30 of my 40 half marathons.
Forgot what a great race this is, great support, atmosphere, well organised and great finish in the stadium. Chepstow Harriers 1:55:49 2:05:22 2:05:22 53.14

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