Zombie runs

1 watcher
Jul 2014
3:49pm, 22 Jul 2014
3 posts
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I am looking at doing this zombie run zombiesurvivalrun.co.uk
It looks like a lot of fun, has anyone ever taken part in one before? Do you pick whether to be a runner or zombie?

Any information greatly appreciated.
Jul 2014
4:01pm, 22 Jul 2014
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There was a thread a year or two back: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/viewtopic.php?id=50207

And I think a 700er (Star?) might have done one last year:
Jul 2014
11:43am, 23 Jul 2014
4 posts
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Thanks for the reply. There are some quite mixed opinions there. Has anyone ever entered this specific one www.zombiesurvivalrun.co.uk and got any opinions on it?
Jul 2014
11:47am, 23 Jul 2014
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Naomi P
A bunch of us are doing a similar thing in October 2.8hourslater.com

Haven't done the one you're looking at but this one gets good reviews, more of a stupid night out with lots of shrieking and running away from zombies than a proper race. I can imagine there are a lot of people who consider themselves "proper runners" would turn their noses up at it but they look like great fun.

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
I am looking at doing this zombie run zombiesurvivalrun.co.uk
It looks like a lot of fu...

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