Knee bursitis how to prevent.

1 watcher
Apr 2013
2:49pm, 26 Apr 2013
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wiener dog
I have had this off and on for 12 years ( even before I started running ) - I see a physio who does some relly evil treatment on me about every 8 wks to losen off my IT band which gets tight and pulls on my knee but I still get bouts of patella bursitis ( posh term for 'housemaids knee' ) my knee will just randomly swell on top of the kneecap and become stiff but not really painful. I can get the swelling to go really quickly 24/48 hours by icing, anti inflammatories, & taping how the physio showed me, but it's a bloody nuiscance and wish it wouldn't happen :-( I did have a 'quite' bad knee injury about 13 yrs ago ( torn ligament ) and am on the 'cusp' for RA ( i.e my rhumatoid factor is just below the level for being given RA drugs but high for 'normal people'.
Anyone know how to get rid of this? It doesn't stop me running ( oddly sometimes when it flares up is more uncomfortable/stiff when walking ).
Apr 2013
3:24pm, 26 Apr 2013
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What strengthening have you been doing? ITB issues will not go away unless you look at the cause of the problem. 'Loosining', sports massage, foam roller is generally dealing with the symptom not the cause. Perhaps look at glute medius strengthening. There may will be biomechanic issues as well that might require you looking at running technique (there are loads of threads on this as I am sure you know).

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I have had this off and on for 12 years ( even before I started running ) - I see a physio who does ...

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