No limit to the benefits of exercise in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

4 watchers
Jan 2021
5:25pm, 16 Jan 2021
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Not sure if this has been covered but I noticed this in my latest email from UK Biobank of which I am a participant.
This is an interesting counter to the group in Copenhagen that every 18 months or so claim that running is dangerous - variously anything faster than 9 minute miling or anything further than 10 miles a week.
Jan 2021
8:35am, 17 Jan 2021
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SteveC NordRunner
Thanks for posting that. It seems a good paper, with a large sample. The effect is stronger in this accelerometer-based study compared with questionnaire-based studies. It also shows no threshold effect or tailing-off effect, i.e., linear - the more the better.
Jan 2021
9:22am, 17 Jan 2021
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Really interesting link TS, thanks.
Jan 2021
9:43am, 17 Jan 2021
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It is interesting. If I'm reading it right they based the levels of activity for a person on what they did during one week? Did they extrapolate that level of exercise to the 5 year period?
Jan 2021
10:14am, 17 Jan 2021
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The Copenhagen City Heart Study did eventually remove the finding about too much running being bad for you. They had performed a statistical correction to remove confounding variables, so that the runner and non-runner groups had equivalent levels of BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol. Turns out that running does offer some level of protection against hypertension, diabetes, and obesity, and adjusting the results to remove those things from the mortality data isn't a valid thing to do.

Also, the study defined "strenuous" joggers as those running at a pace of 9:00/mile or less for at least 2.5 hours/week, and there were only two deaths among this group, which isn't enough to be statistically significant.

James O'Keefe, one of the doctors behind the original study, does make some interesting points though. He says that if longevity and heart health is the goal, running outdoors with friends is what you should be doing.
Jan 2021
12:29pm, 17 Jan 2021
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In a takedown I saw, those two deaths could have been caused by anything including homicide. When I was taking part in a study on runners compared with sedentary people at Cardiff Met, the Copenhagen study was fairly recent so I asked the researchers what they thought. Their reply was that the group concerned seem to have an axe to grind and seem to be betting that going against the overwhelming consensus will pay off in some way eventually.

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Maintained by The_Saint
Not sure if this has been covered but I noticed this in my latest email from UK Biobank of which I a...

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