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GDPR considerations for running clubs?

4 watchers
May 2018
12:58pm, 24 May 2018
4,861 posts
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Generally I don't feel that parkrun creates any privacy issues for me. But for the runners at Black Combe (i.e. the one in the prison) for which public results are shown, I suppose there is a potential in the future for someone wanting their activities there to be expunged from the record books if the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act provisions are to be well enforced - you could well be an employee who has no obligation to disclose previous criminal convictions in future years (and might choose not to disclose that for personal reasons) yet if someone browses your profile they might uncover unwanted information.

Presumably parkrun would under GDPR need to fairly easily wipe individual participation out and turn "knowns" into "unknown runner".
May 2018
1:23pm, 24 May 2018
982 posts
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[I've seen the Black Combe / prison results. I think the names are edited anyway, to try to remove the ability to identify inmates. All the surnames are place names - towns, counties etc. Maybe they should encourage more Fetch-like usernames..!?]
May 2018
1:39pm, 24 May 2018
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Thanks for the comments on here; I've found it really useful.

The EA templates were a war and peace version of what our club really needs, so I've been able to put together a better and more succinct update to our members. 😊
May 2018
1:46pm, 24 May 2018
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Ah, hadn't twigged to that mushroom. Female runners there presumably are staff, as they have runs at multiple parkruns. Registration IDs seem to be in groups, so presumably they've endeavoured to be careful about that identification piece.

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Maintained by J2R
I'm trying to make sure my running club conforms to the new rules coming in on Friday with GDPR...
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