automatic page refreshes?

1 watcher
Jan 2013
10:04pm, 24 Jan 2013
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If I'm on the Forums page, go away to a different window for a while and return to the window containing the Forums page, then without my having refreshed the page, it has been updated so that the top entry is less than a minute old.

But if from the Forums page I go and read a thread, and then use the BACK button to return to Forums, then it can be hours out of date.

What's going on?
Jan 2013
10:16pm, 24 Jan 2013
12,322 posts
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The 'Back' button pulls the page directly from browser memory/cache, and as such it probably represents the last time you requested that page in its entirety from the server. If however, you leave the 'thread list' page sitting in your browser, it's programmed to update its own listings dynamically every few minutes, but it's not updating the whole page.
Jan 2013
10:40pm, 24 Jan 2013
8,393 posts
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Thank you. Just as long as I'm not seeing things.
Jan 2013
11:52am, 25 Jan 2013
4,480 posts
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You'll see the same on other dynamic sites - e.g. follow a link on Facebook or twitter and then go back, and you'll sometimes see the content from the last time you loaded it briefly. I think they check for updates almost immediately on page loading though.

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If I'm on the Forums page, go away to a different window for a while and return to the window conta...

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