
Last on at 8am, 27th Jul 2024
M70 Surrey
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About Me
I've been running since I was 13, at first unwillingly and shockingly slowly at school, then gradually getting happier with it. Plimsoles were soon replaced by the sophistication of Dunlop Green Flash, until, long before they hit the UK market, I bought some adidas shoes in Germany. I ran probably about once a week until my mid-40s, then stopped as my knees were hurting.
Three years after that, I realised the knees had sorted themselves out, and I started running a lot more seriously. Since then, I've run over 19000 miles. I'm too slow to think I'd enjoy doing events, so my focus is on exploring the UK as I run. Thus I am top running-only explorer in Conquercise, up to 6000 zones including all of Greater London and Surrey, and from Brixham to almost Carlisle. Moray Firth and Plymouth are aims. They used to be my maybe-not-quite-impossible ambitions.
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Recent Blogs
Reinterpretation of a well-known formula 23rd Jul
This notice is by no means for Fetchies: 21st Jul
The Outdoor Explosives Technician 16th Jul
Measuring vs weighing 8th Jul
Bit worrying 7th Jul
My parkrun
No parkrun selected
Recent Training
23rd Jul
General 6.1mi 43:26
23rd Jul
General 12mi 1:34:53
21st Jul
General 2mi 29:58
20th Jul
General 0.2mi 11:29
19th Jul
General 3.7mi 1:57:29
12 Month Benchmarks Run Bike
Mile 13:14 3:24
5k 44:05 15:04
5mi 1:26:20 28:51
10k 1:45:25 45:54
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Things you want to say but can't
What do you know today, that you did not yesterday?
What really grinds your gears?
SpreadEveryone: The Fetchland Excel wire
Trumpet thread - blow yours here (celebrating whatever achievement you wish!) :-)
10,000 Blue Circles in 2024. If circles become squares, title wil change.
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