Run Walk Run

100 watchers
18 Jul
8:30am, 18 Jul 2024
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Thanks everyone, a big jump it was Pam runs and it was pleasing! Yes, trying harder will be definitely in moderation FChicken. It was my suggestion to try harder and I queried whether I could do damage or be at risk; consultant didn't think so and I know from my full heart scans my heart is functioning ok.
Tried harder again this morning during my 4.1 miles and managed a few (8) runs of one minute. Not as easy a feeling as yesterday but I was tired from the off.
20 Jul
11:24am, 20 Jul 2024
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A lovely chatty 30:30 at club run on Thursday.
parkrun this morning…Garmin plan was 1.5 miles easy/1.5 miles hard. I ran continuously to 1.7 miles then had a few 30 sec walks. Still managed negative splits.
Paul Sinton-Hewitt was tailwalking ….I didn’t realise who he was until I saw the results! I wondered why everyone wanted their photo taken with him 😂
20 Jul
2:58pm, 20 Jul 2024
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Tut tut, I'm afraid I had no idea who he was so googled him! I don't do park runs so it wouldn't have sparked off a memory!
Good runs lin50 ...chatty club runs sound ok to me today but in my 30's a club run was a race! Splendid park run you did today.
22 Jul
2:47pm, 22 Jul 2024
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8 mile jog/walk earlier, up from 7 miles last Monday. Changed jog/walk from 4:1 min ratio to 5:1. Made notes of how run felt. Aim to up distance to 9 miles next Monday and will probably tweak the jog/walk ratio. Main purpose is to build up distance, not worried about pace on these sessions. Started back at track last Wednesday, so using that to try and get a bit of pace back in the legs. Also parkrun most weeks, so can adapt pace up or down there if necessary. Well done again everyone on your efforts.
24 Jul
9:26am, 24 Jul 2024
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Quite brilliant GeneHunt59 ! Sensible way to build up distance and pace.
Upped my game again today although it's very very modest compared with folks here! It's my once a week thing now... 6 x 2 minutes run and 2 X one minute run with equal recovery. As expected it was hard going but showing some improvement at last. Glad it's done and over til next week.🤣

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Maintained by RevBarbaraG
A thread about the merits (or otherwise) and practice of including walk breaks in runs - particularly, though not exclusively, as recommended by Jeff Galloway.

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