Fetch Virtual Challenge 2022 - Swim Challenge

32 watchers
Oct 2023
11:14am, 27 Oct 2023
2,445 posts
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7 Feb
8:12pm, 7 Feb 2024
5,078 posts
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Finished! I should have done 100m more last swim, as the finish is quite close to home I took a photo on my long run of the finish, from where I last stopped. This amused me, at least!

7 Feb
10:07pm, 7 Feb 2024
35,007 posts
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I've messaged Fetch today offering to do this yrs challenge.

I think the run and bike are in hand and us fish need one too.
2 Apr
5:02pm, 2 Apr 2024
52,110 posts
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♪♫ Synge ♪♫
Oh, yes! Still moving forwards! :-)

Where are you now, AndyS?!
2 Apr
6:52pm, 2 Apr 2024
2,705 posts
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By the looks of it, I'm right behind you

To paraphrase Lewis Carroll:
"Will you swim a little faster?" said a whiting to ♪♫ Synge ♪♫,
"AndyS is close behind us, and he's treading on my tail.
2 Apr
8:51pm, 2 Apr 2024
52,114 posts
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♪♫ Synge ♪♫
Benson by the end of April!

28 May
2:38pm, 28 May 2024
2,758 posts
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Made it to Benson!
6 Jun
5:39pm, 6 Jun 2024
2,774 posts
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Cholsey Marsh
6 Jun
8:14pm, 6 Jun 2024
5,161 posts
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Good stuff!
25 Jun
8:26pm, 25 Jun 2024
17,591 posts
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Alice the Camel
Just started today - only 19.5 miles to go to catch the crab!

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
A thread for the swim challenge :-)

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