Fetch Five - Run For Your Soul 6

Tue June 6 2006
Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (16) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Cavey The plan - run with the wife 3 miles out along Derwent Reservoir and 3 miles back. Thus accumulating a nice 6 mile run and a guaranteed PB.

The outcome - wife rides off in her own merry world, I reach the 3 mile point and can just make her out in the distance. Despite frantic arm waving and shouting she keeps on riding til eventually she was out of puff. The extra exertion I put into the arm waving means the return was a personal nighmare!!! When I finally got back to the car I found her sun bathing and she had the audacity to take the piss out my slow plodding. How I didn't leave her there I don't know!!! Handsworth Roadhogs RC 52:05 55:00 53:04 47.98
D2 planning to do this on Sunday over one of my 'long run' routes which is very hilly, can take me anything from 1.30 - 1.45 depending on 'stuff' - so 1.25 is quite a challenge - will i ever see my soul again?

Sunday 11th June Fetch Run for Your Soul 6 miles.
I’ve decided to write this one myself and give my diarist some time off.  Three down (3,4,5) and three to go, ‘D’ 3 – Gobi 0, hmmm
Decided to get up early on Sunday morning before the ball of hell fire could fully demonstrate its force, so set off with small furry training partner at about 8 a.m.  Planning to do this 6 miles as part of my Sunday long run, so using off road course through villages and over moor.  Did a quick reci of course for obstacles and to hide water and dog bowls in the hedge at strategic points.  

Cant believe how good I felt, could not feel previous miles in my legs at all which is amazing seeing as I have been running flat out - learning some interesting lessons here.

First mile through village 11.21, helpful motivating tips from chap in garden; “come on, the dog is only trotting!” thanks for that. 
Mile two; start of hills, dipped small dog in stream for cooling effect her and me when she shakes…… 16.24.  
Mile three, more hills so walking now I’m afraid even the threat of living soulless cannot produce more than a few yards of running.  Actually I felt really sick at this point and hoped it wasn’t heat stroke.   There’s a stream at the bottom of the next field so we stopped for a drink and paddle and I decided to scoop water over my head.  Unfortunately I had forgotten I had lead through bottle belt so got pulled over by excited dog, very bloody knee; stupid woman.
Mile four on top of moor now, no shade; this is madness but I can still run well despite the uneven track – amazed what I can do when I want to push on usually walking and ‘enjoying scenery’ at this point. 13.27. Found and used planted extra water and dog bowls
Still not too far off target but began to loose the plot and the edges of my soul in mile 5; 15.48, so needed  to do last mile in about 11.00 minutes………….

BUT FAILED – by 1 minute 04 seconds –which will be a familiar time to those reading all race reports and ‘Fetch member beats world record’ thread
Good job I bought bubble wrap and extra strong parcel tape, if I wrap my soul up ‘pass the parcel’ style possibly with the odd Dime bar inserted, I may be able to redeem myself tomorrow.
Unaffiliated 1:25:00 1:26:04 41.99
flanker on Sunday as part of Two Castles 10k!  Timed to reflect current temperature levels!

Update: my soul has gone to hell.  And it was so damn hot while running that I could have sworn I was already there. Todmorden Harriers & AC, Trail Running Association, Fell Runners Association, LDWA 44:21 52:34 52:00 52:46 48.91
Hollywoof! BEFORE: This is going to be a tough ask....I'm going to go for a fast 10km at the end of the Windsor Tri... so I'll already have swum 1.5km in the river and cycled 42km round the park...But the good news is that if Gobi wants my soul then I'll put it in the river - so he will have to swim for it ;-)

AFTER: That was so hot! And I had such a good swim - 3rd in my age group :-) - and such a fast cycle (22mph average) - but the run was just too hot and I melted... 48:04 for the 10km so 46 minutes for the 6 miles :-(
Unaffiliated 42:00 46:00 55.54
Lalli I was going for 55 minutes and managed to beat it by the skin of my teeth. God it was hot this morning. I jogged for a mile to warm up and did a few stretches and then got going. Chose my usual 8 mile route so I could warm up and cool down properly. Had a good push and at 5k I had run hard (for me!) in 24.20 minutes. The heat and a hill at around 5 miles caused me some anguish and after a pause to cross a big junction at 5.89 miles pushed really hard to get to the 6. I subsequently joined the Vomit club, throwing up (I can't believe I did that!) at around 5.95 miles behind a bus-stop, much to the disgust of a yute, bumming around waiting for a bus! Pulled myself together when the Garmin squawked at me and put in a bit of speed for the last few yards. Walk-jogged home. Richard (the hubby) was really impressed. Not with the fact that I'd managed a 54 (near-enough) 10k, but that I had finally worked hard enough to up-chuck. I have to say I don't fancy doing that again. Thanks Fetch. Sorry Gobi - can't have the soul just yet! Eastbourne Rovers AC 55:00 54:35 54.91
Longlegs I will be doing this as the first Six Miles of the Edinburgh marathon on Sunday.
Forget run for your soul.  the heat in Edinburgh was worse than hell.  Still did ok.  Soul Saved Gobi 0 - Longlegs 4 Swanley & District AC 55:00 49:58 50.96
Lumsdoni Ultra-soul - Leg 2 - 7th June
Intervals - As Hell just isn't scary enough

Ha Ha, it's 1-1 now Gobi!  With my soul slipping away yesterday, I realised the only way to get it back was to do all 6 Fetches and show the Gobi-one who is boss - ish.  As I left my bungalow in Hell this morning i knew it was going to be no mean feat to claw my way back up to the surface, but if anything was going to do it, intervals would be the toughest. I was right, it hurt, a lot.  13 quarter mile reps with eighth of mile recoveries.  I could feel Gobi pouring lead into my shoes at every rep, and causing me to walk large amounts of the later recoveries, but sheer bloody mindedness pushed me over the line with 20s to spare.  It's game on now soul -man. Stotfold Runners 47:45 47:45 54:00 53:35 47.54
Max71 I shall do this as part of my LSR this weekend. Guarunteed a slow time wich means next time will have to get a PB!!

I think I may run along South Bank and do a bridges ladder run.

Yeah, i think this means I keep my soul.  Flipping flipping hot out there though. Unaffiliated 1:20:59 1:17:45 37.28
MB99 On a day hotter than hell itself, I was pleased that I'd set myself an easy challenge. 6 easy miles down the canal and round some country roads. There was some occasional respite from the heat as I passed along tree lined roads, but it was brief.
The run passed without incident until I was started heading back towards the canal. Running around the outside of a lake I was attacked by hundreds and hundreds of little dragon flies, obviously sent by the dark lord himself to bash into my legs and send me off course. I ran strong and stuck to my task.
The last potential problem occured to me as I was close to the canal. I was expecting to see the bridge opened and Captain Gobi himself passing through on his Hell Boat, laughing maniacally at me. Thankfully he was not there and I passed through without problems.

To be continued... Unaffiliated 48:00 46:31 54.82
McGoohan McGoohan's sexathon part 4 - the walk

It may surprise some people that I've put 'walking' as one of my Fetch 666 x-training challenges. But there's method in my madness.

Before I took up running, for many years, I was a mad-keen hiker. Did the Pennine Way, Coast to Coast all that stuff. All fallen a bit by the wayside since the running took over. 

However, last year, I started the Thames Path from London, doing a section on occasional weekends, once in the afternoon, after doing the Nike 10K in the morning. A couple of weeks ago, I got to the end. The thing is I didn't want it to end and also I realised I'd been treating it as a race. I took my Garmin with me and would frequently break into a jog. Walking, I was doing about 4.5 miles an hour which is as fast as some folks run.

So, I decided, this weekend, to start the Cotswold Way, to count the first six miles as my Fetch 666 - 6 but to take it as SLOW as I could. My aim would be to go at standard walking pace: 3 miles per hour. Well, slightly faster, cause I didn't want to lose my soul obviously.

Set off from Chipping Campden on easily the hottest day of the year so far and had to contend with something I'd forgotten about: hills. Hillwalking's quite tough when you get enough hills together! The plan kinda sorta worked really. I sat and had a little picnic at Broadway Tower, and when I got down into Broadway, went to the village fete and had a go on the tombola and the cake stall. I bet most folk's x-training doesn't include a tombola! (Sadly, I didn't win anything).

Well, that was the six miles, but I continued for another 12.5 to Winchcombe. It was maybe a little hotter than I'd have liked but it was a truly gorgeous day with gorgeous scenery.

I must go back to continue on from Winchcombe and maybe take it even slower next time!

northernslowcoach so my first ever trail race....... bought the shoes, ran through the woods a couple of times and thought I was ready!
Awoke to the hottest weekend of the year, started to sweat, and thought that it if was going to be this hot I might as well run for my soul too!
Middleton Moor Trail Race 11:06:06 starting in Ilkley, climbed through the woods, climbed across a field, climbed across trails (saw a minutes old calf ah!), climbed across the moor all in the searing heat before the descent.  Saw the 5k marker in 50 mins - all that walking had slowed me down! Ran down, down , down roads, back into the woods where the 6 miles beeped on my gadget!  My soul is still mine Gobi!
Emerged from the woods behind the lido and attempted a sprint finish across the field!
Hot, knackered, dusty and looking for my next trail race...... Unaffiliated 1:12:11 40.44
pacman It's a tough challenge to get my soul back - will need to be 25secs better than my best so far.

Very happy with time - pushed it like a big monkey at the start and I thought that I had messed it up but managed to get around somewhere.

Now time for my GA meeting... Unaffiliated 53:00 51:58 48.99
Puffing Bertie I'm rubbish at writing reports so i wont sorry, but at least i did the run :-) Unaffiliated 1:05:00 1:04:30 46.47
RFJ Going out at 6 toningt - Save my soul, no need to, mine already has ownership by someone else and its not Gobi.............. oh no definatley not Gobi.......

Swindon Striders 44:02 44:02 46:30 42:14 61.41
SparkyMark All was going to plan until …. BEEP..BEEP…BEEP my alarm going off.  Looking at the time I realised I had set it wrong and it was now 05:55am.  My plan of starting my run at 06:06:06 went out of the window.  Hmmmmmmmm

OK, a cunning plan as beginning to brew along with my tea – I know if I use a mirror I can run at 09:09:09 instead.  Knowing also that all things evil have no reflection, this was a handy addition to check everything was safe around me. 

Predicted time was 54 minutes.  So the countdown begins. and we’re off – well I am anyway.  This is the first time that I had run the route since I have moved so had no idea what to expect.  Turning left – hill – well slight incline, anything more than 1:1000 is a hill for anyone who is used to running around Bicester.  Then around the corner I have to dodge a tractor and trailer with a rather unsavoury load – I’ll save the description, I just gave the guys loading up a wide berth and held my breath.

A fantastic morning and amazing views – why hadn’t I run this before? Safe in the knowledge I could check on my Garmin and as long I was around 9min/m then I was going to be ok.  A slight diversion off the busy road and onto the bridleway. First mile 8:30 – no problem.  The path goes deeper into the wilderness and I disturb a couple of rabbits and they started to run with me until they realised that if they stop I would run away from them.

I then come back to the road at the right point and turn left at the cross roads towards Charndon.  A little further on I hear the unmistakable chug of a tractor – surely not the same one as I’d passed – PLEASE.  I did not look behind and just carried on – it was going slow, perhaps it is going to turn off … no. First I see the tractor coming along side then I get bumped by one of the blue plastic bags that is hanging precariously off the trailer.  Then the smell hits me –its bad!  No possibility to hold my breath – I’m not David Blaine – I have to endure it.  I’m thankful for two things: that the plastic had retained its contents, and that it had not fallen off and flattened me!  Then – the curse of the Garmin (or was Gobi at work here) – it had lost satellite lock.  So, not sure what to worry about; not knowing how far I’d run, the smell from the trailer or the fear of being talked at by Gobi for the rest of my days and the afterlife… no, sorry, that’s quite straight forward – Gobi.  Mile 2 (I think and I’m in Charndon) and 17minutes or there about so I presume I’m ok.  Lucky for me, the tractor turned right, I was turning left.  Fresh air at least.

Now into my running I can look around me and to try and pass some time by and relax, I start counting England flags in the village – I got to 35 and then was confronted by a double row of bunting flags flapping in the breeze – so gave up that idea.

Out of the village and pass a field and more wildlife.  This time, a hare.  Apparently, hares are slightly less intelligent than rabbits as it took 3 times as long to work out that sitting still was the best plan. I then turn left again before Marsh Gibbon.

Time to panic – BEEP…BEEP…BEEP, my Garmin had sprung back into life.  Mile 4 in 38mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way off schedule.  I won’t repeat what I said, but needless to say I speeded up.  An iPod with Carmina Burana would have been appropriate at this point.  This was a bad omen - just like the remake.  I was not sure if I could keep this going for the last two miles.  The temperature was warming up and so was I.  I was then passed by another tractor, pulling what is often termed as the ‘Honey Wagon’ – its contents certainly not sweet smelling – more like the breath of the devil, Erwwwwwwww!! :o/ or was some evil hunting me down.

I’d measured the course the night before, so knew where 6 miles was (the image of that was now in my mind).

Mile 5 and I had managed to claw back some of the deficit, I needed a sub 8 minute mile to make my target. 

Another hill (aka slight incline) and I pushed on.  Left turn and I run passed the prison. If the spirit of Gobi was on my tail, perhaps I could lose him here and speed up, past the day release people waiting for the bus.  Only a bit further to go – I dare not look at the watch.  The finish post is in sight and I start to sprint.  Gasping for breath I get to my destination, stop the watch, and then finally focus on the digits on the dial – 53:50 – safe by 10 seconds. Relief!!
Alchester RC (Bicester) 44:50 54:00 53:50 48.77
topcorner RFYS 6 (aka Yateley 10k race 1) Woohoo - paced Char for this one. She beat her expected time by a fair margin. Okay, I didn't run anywhere near my limit so Gobi gets my soul this time but Char gets hers back. The thunderand lightning was very appropriate for a struggle for souls. Nice touch Gobi - I'm sure you had something to do with arranging that! Sandhurst Joggers 1:05:00 1:01:30 41.40

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