
Last on at 9pm, 22nd Feb 2023
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About Me
In the summer of 2009 I started to take small steps into losing weight & getting fit. I was unable to run for 5 minutes let alone a mile! Gradually with gym sessions & running on the treadmill etc built by fitness up and lost weight. Within a year I’d lost 60lbs, feeling fitter & confident in my running for 5k & 10k races. I think at this point the running bug was taking over me!

In September 2010 I ran my first half marathon - my first running goal & joined a friendly local supportive running club! Meeting new friends, getting really good support, encouragement and advice has increased my confidence & running.

I ended 2010 with a further 2 half marathons, achieving personal bests of under 2 hours running time, a total of 5 stone lighter & a place in the London Marathon.

2011 has been a cracking year, minor injury at the start of the year with housewife's knee but then onwards and upwards. Completing London Marathon in 4hrs36 raising over £2600 for Dogs for the Disabled and a further marathon in September at Leicester. Not to mention turning 30 and getting married also! Running with the club in the summer league races has improved my racing and times achieving some strong PB's and performances along the way highly recommending anyone to joining a running club, its been the best thing I could've done. Ending 2011 with PB's of full marathon 4hr07, half marathon sub 1hr50 and 10k at sub 49mins.

2012 saw the mileage increase with training for the 4 Inns official 42 mile fell event, with events like Wilmot Wanderer 32 miles as training and reccie runs of the 4 inns split into 2. We achieved as a team 1st female group in a time of 10hours 40mins. Then moving on to the Edinburgh marathon and completing the LERC 50 mile Ultra in 12hours 36 mins. Running my1st AL fell category but further navigation work to be done!. Since then succesfully completing the summer, winter and fell league running over 1750 miles in 2012. Looking forward to 2013, aim to achieve a good for age qualification time for London at the manchester marathon and perhaps another tough ultra or marathon or two!
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