Standard Chartered Great City Race

Listed by Garfield
  • Rated 70%
  • 5k
  • Road
Entrants (23) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
.starman Unaffiliated 21:16 22:32 22:32 65.53
AJPAR Good well organised race. Went well until the last half mile when dodgy back kicked in and slowed me down a bit. Still a PB so happy. Unaffiliated 17:36 18:49 18:30 18:49 70.87
bagelFS My first ever 5k (and first ever race!) after 6 weeks of easy running, 18-20mpw. Could have run faster in first mile (crowding, I think I almost knocked over some near 7 foot man while zipping around- sorry!) and last mile most definitely but did not know limits/ability. Unaffiliated 20:40 20:40 22:11 66.42
benshearer Cambridge Harriers 15:08 17:58 17:58 71.74
BromleyReedy 1116 Unaffiliated 20:53 23:15 23:15 56.16
bruno. Unaffiliated 20:54 24:25 24:00 24:25 52.63
Garfield Fourth time for me now...I keep improving each year - I have the stats from all the years I've run this one.  At least I'm not recovering from a sprained ankle like I was last year.

Anyone want to pace me at 9 min miling?  I know it's slow for a lot of you but it would most likely see me to be sub-30.  Putting down conservative (perhaps pessimistic) prediction...though I'm hoping to do better! FERC 28:36 30:51 32:00 30:51 50.01
Hills of Death (HOD) Realistic well see on the day. Not sure how quick I am at the mo. Pleased ran well yes I gave 100% (and I had a Red Dot ;) I know people. Tried for sub 22 just couldn't do it - time not official yet, I think this was the time need to check later. Mile 1 6.43 thought not bad can I hold on second mile well it was 6.36 :) third mile 6.35 and then just dragged my arse over the finish line slowed a little bit measured this at 3.35 miles I think the underpasses had something to do with it !

As Lee from the Apprentice says that's what I'm talking about Barnet & District AC, Riverside Runners 21:01 22:03 21:59 22:03 60.48
JamesRD Colchester Harriers AC 22:38 25:48 25:48 50.61
JEJ legs felt tired and lifeless. Unaffiliated 14:59 15:24 15:40 16:12 79.32
jonesj_01 Just too many people in front to get a good speed at the start. Need to get up front next year Unaffiliated 22:30 22:30 21:30 22:30 58.03
jumbo Unaffiliated 21:40 22:10 22:10 61.50
Margalot Dorking & Mole Valley AC 20:05 20:05 20:05 78.06
mbc Unaffiliated 19:35 22:15
pipslack Unaffiliated 24:29 24:29 24:29 60.18
Raddy Unaffiliated 17:49 18:06 18:06 74.76
Rapid Snail No red dot, no chance of a time.  5:20 first km and only got any sort of pace up for final km or two but even then was at no point bothering to push it.  Would not do it again. Unaffiliated 20:50 20:50 20:49 22:33 58.71
rich_c I'm with you Dubois. Very difficult at the start and frustrated with the slow runners who managed to get to the front. Probably ran an extra k due to dodging and weaving. That said, it was well organised and had a great atmosphere. Would do it again but wouldn't expect to be running for a PB. Unaffiliated 22:00 24:35 24:35 54.64
Runner Without a Clue This race is longer than 5k, its listed as 3.5m.  Mental start, so many people tripping up everywhere and slow runners at the front but hey it was good to be back in the game! Unaffiliated 21:58 22:40 22:40 65.15
SharonR Havering '90 Joggers 27:38 27:38 27:38 55.84
Stripes Unaffiliated 22:32 25:18 25:18 50.79
Taffers Didn't run fast enough!  Needed to go out more quickly and keep pace Unaffiliated 18:21 19:23 19:00 19:23 76.73
ToastRunner Ok race, was hoping for sub 17min, might have started too fast but gave it everything. Better organisation than last year. Crawley AC 16:26 17:01 17:01 75.99

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