London Marathon

Listed by Mike Burns
  • Rated 86%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (38) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Achilles Unaffiliated 3:58:00 3:58:00 4:00:00 3:58:00 51.07
Albert O Balsam Unaffiliated 4:06:00 4:41:00 4:41:00 43.26
Andy 1 shoe Money Sparkhill Harriers 2:50:49 2:59:54 2:59:54 67.58
Auld fat Ironman Going ok until 18m then wheels came off.
5m - 34:00
10m - 66:37
20m - 2:19 Clydesdale Harriers, Glasgow Triathlon Club 2:42:09 3:10:58 3:10:58 65.21
branie99 Silson Joggers AC 3:46:51 3:57:03 3:57:03 51.34
cake muncher Placed 569th. Falkland Trail Runners 2:42:41 2:50:00 2:50:00 71.52
chrishunt Corsham RC 3:27:19 3:39:48 3:39:48 55.61
chunky boy Hastings Runners 3:49:54 3:51:16 3:51:16 52.56
Cobham Runner Harvel Hash House Harriers 3:32:34 4:26:58 4:26:58 49.31
Cris Garth Unaffiliated 3:19:33 4:21:39 4:21:39 47.59
deanosaur Larkfield AC 3:29:04 3:55:00 3:55:00 53.35
Decrepit Dad Unaffiliated 3:13:29 4:30:47 4:30:47 45.29
Detal Unaffiliated 6:02:51 6:28:04 6:28:04 34.59
Fat Boy 1714th and run ivolved 3 ball juggling all the way!! Carnegie Harriers 2:50:30 3:05:38 3:05:38 65.48
Gavvers Wrexham AAC 3:39:44
Go-KL This was a horrible race - my first marathon. The problem was in the training living in South London, basing most of it on a fairly short commute to central London and running sporadically and not concentrating that much on long runs - and those I did regularly ended in cramp - most horrifically so when I pulled up in Regent's Park and had to hobble all the way home. 
Having got quite comfortable running half marathons, I was once again naïve in how to approach the marathon distance. Still though the first miles were awesome, running in such cramped surroundings and being cheered on by so many people.
I was fine to halfway (1:40 ish) buit at 18 miles hit a huge wall that was followed by a huge rain shower and a chill in the air that left my lucky baggy cotton grey shorts and cotton t-shirt 3 times their weight and perishingly cold. 
I shivered and crawled my way to the finish. I wasn't going to quit, I never envisaged such a thing happening and I was most proud to be the first person I knew to run a marathon. But the experience left me physically and mentally scarred for a few months earlier - a knee injury left me unable to run properly for around 6 months. Grantham Running club 2:40:47 3:42:00 3:25:00 3:42:00 54.76
Goldeagle Unaffiliated 3:52:44 4:20:17 4:20:17 51.45
hillcrawler Unaffiliated 4:29:00 5:09:00 5:09:00 43.35
Hodgy Thorney Running Club 3:14:17 3:31:10 3:31:10 57.56
Hoof it Thetford AC 3:39:20 3:39:20 3:39:20 56.15
Insomniac Winchester & District AC 3:11:54 4:31:00 4:31:00 49.51
iPaul 2:56:56 watch time - 2:58:43 is gun time. Bedford Harriers AC 2:56:56 2:58:43 2:58:43 68.03
M. Diddy Team Trisports, North Herts Road Runners 3:12:32 3:49:37 3:49:37 53.23
Malc26.2 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runners 3:06:03 3:12:59 3:12:59 62.99
Marathon Mike Woodford Green AC with Essex Ladies 4:50:32 5:27:38 5:27:38 37.31
MidgeRunner 1st time and best so far. Chiltern Harriers AC 3:46:00 3:46:00 3:30:00 3:46:00 53.85
Mike Burns Shetland AAC 3:14:45 3:19:20 3:19:20 66.60
Nailsea Plodder Unaffiliated 3:50:03 3:50:03 3:50:03 54.50
puzzler Unaffiliated 3:11:41 3:28:41 3:28:41 58.25
redtoenails Unaffiliated 4:33:00 4:33:00 4:33:00 50.00
runForestfanrun UKnetrunner 4:19:09 5:42:56 5:42:56 35.45
sandgrounder Unaffiliated 3:50:02 4:11:00 4:00:00 4:11:00 48.43
Slow and Ultra Steady Did this as a silly young man with no knowledge and little training but got round in the end Ipswich JAFFA RC 3:44:00 5:08:30 5:00:00 5:08:30 39.40
Smugbloke Tri-Anglia 3:17:51 3:38:39 3:38:39 55.59
Strutbrother Axe Valley Runners 3:56:00 3:56:00 3:56:00 51.79
supersquirrel Chippenham Harriers 3:46:00 4:29:29 5:00:00 4:29:29 45.11
Warton Runner Unaffiliated 3:45:58 3:45:58 3:30:00 3:45:58 53.95
WineRunner52 Road Runners Club 3:11:49 3:11:49 3:23:10 64.79

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