Sep 2008
12:58pm, 10 Sep 2008
801 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
How dare he
Sep 2008
1:35pm, 10 Sep 2008
1,305 posts
afternoon all. Managed 3.65 miles this morning on my walk/run which is furthest I have done yet. Knees held up pretty well and I know I need to practice running for a whole mile. I was telling hubby about Brathay next May and K asked how far it was , when I told her she said "but mummy you can't even run a mile yet!" Thanks for the vote of confidence child Think I may be going to watch the proper runners show me how it is done though as sounds such a lovely route!
Sep 2008
1:38pm, 10 Sep 2008
803 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
Funny you should mention that... I've decided that I'm definitely doing it. Entry form is filled in and on my desk ready to post.
Sep 2008
1:53pm, 10 Sep 2008
1,308 posts
I would love to do it but as I struggle with a mile think next May is being just a tad optimistic there
Sep 2008
6:04pm, 10 Sep 2008
1,491 posts
Haddi :-)
Yeah YP1 i am hoping that i don't get into london now as i think 3 marathons in 5 weeks after only doing 1 is abit much but i don't have to race them
Sep 2008
7:44pm, 10 Sep 2008
1,313 posts
show off
Sep 2008
7:47pm, 10 Sep 2008
1,492 posts
Haddi :-)
no i'am not
Sep 2008
7:50pm, 10 Sep 2008
1,316 posts
3 marathons in 5 weeks - bit ambitious that
Sep 2008
7:54pm, 10 Sep 2008
1,493 posts
Haddi :-)
yeah i know just woundering if i get some good training in and stay injury free
Sep 2008
7:57pm, 10 Sep 2008
1,317 posts
and that would be a pig I see flying overhead would it Think maybe that is pushing luck a bit. Sods law you would end up injured.
By the way I bought a Yorkshire Dictionary on Saturday so we can communicate with our Southern brethren