Nov 2008
6:53am, 5 Nov 2008
2,622 posts
Haddi :-)
mile done 6.59 blowing out of my arse
Nov 2008
8:10am, 5 Nov 2008
6,421 posts
Do I have to say that I am coming, or pay or anything for this one. It looks like it is well organised.
Nov 2008
8:15am, 5 Nov 2008
1,738 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
Sound promising Haddi, but don't push it too much yet.
I'm having one of those mornings. The alarm didn't go off (or at least it switched itself on but there was no sound coming out of it), then I got to the gym and realised I didn't have my wallet (luckily it had just fallen out of my bag in the car) then finished my shortened swim and realised I hadn't packed all the clothes I wanted to change into...
Can I just go home, go to bed, and try again tomorrow?
Nov 2008
8:38am, 5 Nov 2008
2,988 posts
Morning Hamsterboy, it has all been sorted out with your Dad last night - looking forward to meeting you on Sunday
I had a very lazy session at the gym, I was so tired I only did 20 minutes on the treadmill as I was full of cold and very tired and went to Asda instead to buy a sandwich for lunch and ended up getting Kirsty some new leggings and a t-shirt for Sunday and some school shoes etc etc - would have been cheaper to stay at the gym
Put details of a 5k in York on 15th December on both my facebook group and on the race portfolio on here if anyone wants to join me.
Have to dash - late for school!! Have a great day all.
Nov 2008
8:43am, 5 Nov 2008
152 posts
happy little vegemite
Hammy's not marshalling is he?.....
Nov 2008
9:35am, 5 Nov 2008
183 posts
Morning all ! Dh was loading all our worldly goods onto ebay last night so not much fetching for me yesterday.
HLS - ta ! you've made my day r.e. Hellrunner. Am really excited. Might have a clash with my daughter's party, but mud comes first !!! Hamstring feels ok today and have been doing loads of stretching, swimming tonight & tomorrow, so hopefully on the mend. Am quite interested in the december 5km, but am still a facebook Luddite. Can you fmail me details of the race ? What sort of cake shall I bring on sunday ? sounds like we have enough chocolate (is there such as thing as too much chocolate ?!)
Nov 2008
9:36am, 5 Nov 2008
4,125 posts
SODIron © 2002
Morning all from a very damp and grey another day of meetings, paper shuffling and 'pressing the flesh' before heading back up to Gods own county.
Nov 2008
9:48am, 5 Nov 2008
8,896 posts
Dave A
Can't do the 5k, I have a half marathon that weekend:)
Nov 2008
11:10am, 5 Nov 2008
4,126 posts
SODIron © 2002
HLS - What time is the mile...?
Nov 2008
12:01pm, 5 Nov 2008
1,739 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
HLS (and tooliac?) - you asked about Hellrunner. The run itself isn't too bad. There are difficult bits, but there are some decent sections of trail that are perfectly runnable. My main problem is that it's too big and crowded. They couldn't handle with the queue to hand bags in at the start, and they didn't do anything at the start to avoid bottlenecks on some of the narrower sections - if they'd had different start areas for faster and slower runners it would have helped enormously because the start goes straight a fairly steep hill and if there's a group three across the path walking within the first mile it slows everyone behind them. The start was delayed because they only had 2 people doing bags for most of the time, and the fact that lots of people were still in the bag queue at 11am meant that the people who were at the front at the start weren't the faster ones, just the more organised ones...
One other criticism I've heard is that there weren't enough marshalls (which is a fair point, I didn't see very many), so if you did get into trouble it was a long way before you could find someone to get help from. And although we went past the water station twice, they ran out of bottles just before I went past the second time (literally - the person in front took the last one), so if you were any slower than me there wasn't any left. I don't know whether everyone had gone past it for the first time by the time I went past for the second time - I certainly hope so!
If you like big events and fancy a bit of a challenge it's certainly not a bad way to spend a Sunday morning but if you're out there to run your own race and not get jostled by the crowds there are better places to do it - and something like the Yorkshireman is just as hard and muddy (and longer...), but much more low key and for me more enjoyable. It's like the difference between FLM and other marathons - different people want to get different things out of races, and I know lots of people loved Hellrunner. But it just didn't do it for me. I wouldn't say don't do it, it's an experience, but I'd only do it again if it didn't clash with other races I want to do. I think there were a lot more people running it this year than last year, and maybe they didn't quite scale up the organisation to deal with more people and will do things better next year. Who knows?
There was a van selling cake though
On that subject I tried to wash my kit last night. I washed it on its own then put the rest of the washing in to give it a second go. At the end of that I took my socks out and they were still covered with the bog of doom... The photos are due to go on the internet today which should be interesting...