Oct 2008
9:15am, 26 Oct 2008
2,409 posts
Haddi :-)
you don't get one comando
Oct 2008
11:09am, 26 Oct 2008
2,524 posts
that is even worse than the bikini image
Just got back from the gym and did 10.74k in 61.11!! Well happy bunny (it was on the cross trainer before you all start shouting at me)
Oct 2008
11:16am, 26 Oct 2008
1,400 posts
For My Light
amazing time hls.. well done
Oct 2008
11:21am, 26 Oct 2008
2,411 posts
Haddi :-)
well done H
Oct 2008
11:56am, 26 Oct 2008
2,526 posts
Obviously to put this into perspective it was a level 1 random so not the hardest one, after all it was supposed to be a LSR but compared to my previous cross trainer times I am blown away. Guess this means I will have to work a tad harder at the gym on a morning now that I know I can do it. Imagine what it would have been without a cold
Have to give a lot of credit to the chart show though, they kept putting some good beaty stuff on and as much as I hate the live version of sugababes girls on the chart show it gets your a***e moving!
Oct 2008
4:50pm, 26 Oct 2008
2,531 posts
hurray, not only did I have a lovely coffee and cake with YP1 I now have a load of chocolate trophies in my fridge ready for the mile
Unfortunately K was feeling a bit worse for wear due to a cold and nearly fell asleep on my lap. She did fall asleep in the car on the way home.
Oh and it is not my fault KP1 spent some money, she didnt really need me to talk her into it and it did really suit her
Haddi - you will be pleased to know she still had her black socks on
Oct 2008
5:04pm, 26 Oct 2008
1,630 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
I'm back, lovely cake and coffee and shopping
The race this morning was good too (but not very good, wouldn't want HLS getting jealous ), will blog it properly once I've had a sit down. It's 5pm so my legs are due to start tightening up - I've worked out they tend to get sore for a couple of hours about 5 hours after I finish.
Socks will come off in a bit, without any chance to clean myself up between race and shopping I suspect the aroma of sweat is starting to mature a little so I'd better get in the shower!
Oct 2008
6:01pm, 26 Oct 2008
1,404 posts
For My Light
Evening everyone
Oct 2008
6:06pm, 26 Oct 2008
1,631 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
Evening I'm all clean again
Oct 2008
6:08pm, 26 Oct 2008
1,405 posts
For My Light
So you have fun today YP1