Oct 2008
8:46pm, 11 Oct 2008
1,840 posts
you can take the hoff and stuff him where the sun dont shine, if nat can do the easy one how come I still beat you Off to bed in a mo, am so tired, nearly passed out at work yesterday afternoon and probably overdid it a bit today, am still cautious about tomorrow even though I know I can do the distance, think it is because it is such a hilly course and it repeats itself, I am much happier on an a to b circuit, dont like going a to b to c to b to c to d if you know what I mean
Oct 2008
8:47pm, 11 Oct 2008
1,309 posts
For My Light
Good Luck tomorrow hlsweb
Oct 2008
8:47pm, 11 Oct 2008
1,325 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
have fun tomorrow hls I'm sure it will be a lovely route (the cancer research ones I've done always have been) - and just enjoy yourself!
Oct 2008
8:48pm, 11 Oct 2008
2,110 posts
Haddi :-)
but beat you on the medium one:) Good luck tomorow let s know how you do and also good luck to Hubby
Oct 2008
8:49pm, 11 Oct 2008
2,279 posts
good luck and have fun to all yorkie milers racing tomorrow
Oct 2008
8:50pm, 11 Oct 2008
1,841 posts
It will be good to run with someone for a change, I am running with my brother and my sister in law She has come all the way from Norfolk to run this with me ,,,,,,, and besides I have my new haddi socks
Night all, will send Haddi a text and let him know how I do so he can report back as I wont be back till late
Oct 2008
9:46pm, 11 Oct 2008
3,814 posts
SODIron © 2002
hlsweb - good luck for tomorrows run, you'll be great and I bet you'll love every minute of it :o)
Oct 2008
11:23pm, 11 Oct 2008
4,360 posts
174 posts since this morning i believe....anything interesting in them??
Oct 2008
6:55am, 12 Oct 2008
1,326 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
Oct 2008
6:57am, 12 Oct 2008
1,038 posts
Lapsed Athlete
Morning YP1, well done on the run yesterday I would say you are definitely on the mend