Aug 2008
8:16pm, 31 Aug 2008
814 posts
Lapsed Athlete
evening all, well done on the run today chromey and coachey ... sod you are nuts running that far on a tready
Aug 2008
8:18pm, 31 Aug 2008
1,135 posts
For My Light
What has SOD been upto?
Aug 2008
8:18pm, 31 Aug 2008
1,337 posts
Haddi :-)
running 10 mile on a tready
Aug 2008
8:22pm, 31 Aug 2008
1,136 posts
For My Light
Only one question.... why?
Aug 2008
8:23pm, 31 Aug 2008
1,338 posts
Haddi :-)
he didn't want to get wet, what a big girl
Aug 2008
8:26pm, 31 Aug 2008
816 posts
Lapsed Athlete
he was scared if he did his long run outside and took the little sods along they would beat him like last sunday
Aug 2008
8:52pm, 31 Aug 2008
3,163 posts
SODIron © 2002
OK...The Tri Update;
The Goole Triathlon was not that well organised (they did OK but didn't provide any splist/transition times etc.)...the distances were a little off, 600m for the swim, around 7 miles for the bike ride and roughly 3 miles for the run (it was advertised as 600m swim, 9 mile bike and 2.2 mile run)!
Anyway, back to the actual was misty/cloudy with occasional rain showers. 'H' set off for the swim as 12:09 and covered the 600m in around 13 mins. The bike went well, not sure on the time but she told me she passed at least 4 people...then it was onto the run. This (as Helen will admit) is her achilles heel so to speak...not sure what time she got on this but she did say that several people overtook her on the run (it was off road too and Helen hates running off road).
We're not sure of the total time, we think it was around 1h:05m to 1h:10m (the results haven't been posted as yet so this is the best guess)...that's her last tri of this season, although she's got a busy few weeks coming up (Great Yorkshire run next Sunday, Great North Swim 13 Sep, Mablethorpe 10k 14 Sep and then Great North Run)....this should keep her busy for a few more weeks
Aug 2008
8:55pm, 31 Aug 2008
3,164 posts
SODIron © 2002
BTW - my training was a 1 mile easy warm-up, 10 miles easy (8:34/mi) then 1 mile easy in total, it was 12 miles on the tready...with no music or tv, just me and my thoughts... :o)
Aug 2008
8:55pm, 31 Aug 2008
1,339 posts
Haddi :-)
sounds she did great tell her well done
Aug 2008
9:00pm, 31 Aug 2008
3,165 posts
SODIron © 2002
will do, thanks