Oct 2008
9:56pm, 5 Oct 2008
1,239 posts
For My Light
A question for anyone with more knowledge on Marathon training than me... can you mix in a 10k race during in a marathon training?
Oct 2008
9:56pm, 5 Oct 2008
981 posts
Liversedge is a place sorta somewhere between Huddersfield, Dewsbury, Leeds Wakefield & Bradford. With Hills. Am I selling it yet?!?!
Oct 2008
9:57pm, 5 Oct 2008
2,234 posts
FML - yes, look at my training log
and Tiggia - it is on my list of to do's!
Oct 2008
10:00pm, 5 Oct 2008
982 posts
Oct 2008
10:00pm, 5 Oct 2008
1,355 posts
Certainly can FML. I did Lincoln 10k before the Sheffield Half before the Edinburgh Marathon. All part of the structured plan. I included a ten miler a month ago before this year's GNR.
Oct 2008
10:01pm, 5 Oct 2008
1,600 posts
Ha - I came last but one in both my races so you can do any race you want that I am in Sounds like a real challenge. Thought you liked hills
My half marathon training tells me to do a couple of 10ks in there FML. Are you a member of runners world? I subscribe so can print you off one of their training plans if you let me know what sort of time you are looking for. Let me know.
Oct 2008
10:05pm, 5 Oct 2008
983 posts
I do like hills But I'm just as pants up hill as I am on the flat! But I don't give up and I always smile. And I always wear waterproof mascara!
Oct 2008
10:06pm, 5 Oct 2008
1,240 posts
For My Light
I will have to see how Dewsbury 10k fit in with my training/football diary. Is it safe, last time I went to Dewsbury it was a bit dodgy to say the least!
Oct 2008
10:07pm, 5 Oct 2008
2,235 posts
was fine till we got to Dave's
my hubby was watching us all on cctv so we were in safe hands
Oct 2008
10:08pm, 5 Oct 2008
2,236 posts
dunno really Tiggs, apart from being my old stomping ground I suppose