Oct 2008
7:31pm, 5 Oct 2008
116 posts
I did indeed haddi, knocked another 1:12 off V tired now though after the long drive back.
Oct 2008
7:43pm, 5 Oct 2008
1,913 posts
Haddi :-)
Well Done enjoy the rest
Oct 2008
8:16pm, 5 Oct 2008
1,585 posts
well done derooster - great result and Mrs SOD what a fantastic result that was
Saw Kev on telly (had hubby watching out for purple musketeers while I cooked dinner) and me and K cheered when Kev came on and again when he mentioned FETCH!
Been to White Horse this afternoon - I am sooooo tired. Walked from visitor centre to the horse, down the 151 steps then decided we would come back up the trail - what gradient was that!!! Should have had a health warning, there is me unable to do my full run this morning and settling for 2 1/2 miles then find myself trying to climb a MOUNTAIN in my trainers (felt like it to me!) so that was another couple of miles under my belt. K did brilliantly.
Oct 2008
8:19pm, 5 Oct 2008
2,220 posts
well done derooster
Oct 2008
8:19pm, 5 Oct 2008
1,234 posts
For My Light
Hiya hlsweb, not long to the FEYM, are back to full fitness?
Oct 2008
8:31pm, 5 Oct 2008
4,738 posts
Kev Scone
hello guys, have i missed anything?
Firstly sorry haddi, i said as soon as we went off air, oh shit was meant to say hi to Mr T!!! but did get fetch a mention, messages have gone a bit mental since, don't know who sent the good luck message that apparently scrolled across the screen but thanks whoever it was
Oct 2008
8:32pm, 5 Oct 2008
1,586 posts
errmmmm ....seeeing as how I have never been at full fitness for the last sixteen years as a couch potato I would have to say no....but....did a seven mile race last week and have a 10k next week so am okay thanks!:-) Bit stiff after the climb at the white horse though. Just been doing my training plan to get ready for the brass monkey in jan and am afraid to say that Xmas is less than 12 weeks away !!!!!!!! Where has this year gone, it's running away faster than I can run!
Dont think hubby is over keen on me doing the GNR next year as he is convinced it kills people (literally) but I am determined. I have pre-registered. Mentioned to him that I may give the Great Yorkshire a go as well depending on the date as that is Sheffield in May - around the time of the big 40!!
Oct 2008
8:33pm, 5 Oct 2008
1,587 posts
Wahayy Kev........K was so excited to see some one she knew on the telly, and I was shouting as well!! You all looked great and we gave a huge cheer when you said FETCH! Even hubby managed a bemused smile!! Well done on finishing by the way!
Oct 2008
8:34pm, 5 Oct 2008
2,221 posts
does anyone know when the entries for BM are out? missed out last year despite sending application form on the day they were released!
oh hls, my birthdays May too (one year behind you) why not come to windermere too
and yes, we saw you Kev
Oct 2008
8:38pm, 5 Oct 2008
1,588 posts
Cant run Windermere NSC, reckon at least another year before I try that but did mention to K that it would be good to come see you lot, just need to see what is on that month. Was hoping I would be whisked off to NY for my Birthday but looks like that is off the cards. Am trying to organise a party as well. Wonder if we can tie that in with another Yorkshire Mile in York??????
K is going to do the Mini GNR with me next year so she feels part of it, and I am up for the GNR.