Sep 2008
8:15pm, 20 Sep 2008
935 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
Speaking of commando, I'd been all prepared and worked out a great plan with showers and cake for my run today - but got out of the shower and realised I'd forgotten pants. I'm 100% sure they'd have kicked me out of Betty's if they'd known what wasn't under my skirt
Sep 2008
8:16pm, 20 Sep 2008
1,433 posts
Hi NSC, I've been on the iron tablets for a week nearly and am only marginally less tired but I will pull through thanks. I am so grateful my four miler was cancelled today. Got some sad news this morning, my SIL Nan died last night, she was a lovely old lady. Me and mum took my niece and nephew to the park this afternoon with K to give her a bit of space and it was great spending time with them.
Sep 2008
8:16pm, 20 Sep 2008
1,434 posts
wow - totp post there YP1 - you saucy beast!
Sep 2008
8:16pm, 20 Sep 2008
936 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
but glad you had some nice time with your nephew and niece.
Sep 2008
8:17pm, 20 Sep 2008
937 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
I was just hoping there was no wind!
Sep 2008
8:19pm, 20 Sep 2008
1,621 posts
Haddi :-)
the polished floor gave everyone a cracking view
Sep 2008
8:20pm, 20 Sep 2008
1,435 posts
was it a marilyn monroe type of skirt then? Took K swimming the other night after school and didnt realise her dad had taken her pants and tights home with him. She refused to go commando so came home in her wet swim pants after she dried them off with a towel - bless her
Sep 2008
8:20pm, 20 Sep 2008
1,436 posts
was it a marilyn monroe type of skirt then? Took K swimming the other night after school and didnt realise her dad had taken her pants and tights home with him. She refused to go commando so came home in her wet swim pants after she dried them off with a towel - bless her
Sep 2008
8:22pm, 20 Sep 2008
1,622 posts
Haddi :-)
H is on PDA
Sep 2008
8:22pm, 20 Sep 2008
938 posts
Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
it was carpet and a long skirt so relatively safe. To be fair, I have a long history of forgetting to put underwear in my bag so I'm used to it by now. I've had to go to work with a bikini under my suit before now!