Nov 2012
1:16pm, 16 Nov 2012
182 posts
Hello fellow fat person. It's a bit of a dilemma isn't it? On the one hand if we ate less we would be thinner and so probably run faster, on the other hand pizza is so nice.
Nov 2012
1:48pm, 16 Nov 2012
14,783 posts
I saw a delicious looking frozen pizza in Sainsbury's today, but I didn't buy it.
*polishes halo*
Nov 2012
1:52pm, 16 Nov 2012
1,036 posts
Mmm pizza . Have realised I have nothing for dinner , may have to go to supermarket.
Nov 2012
1:55pm, 16 Nov 2012
1,136 posts
We have guests tomorrow and we're making pizza for the little ones. I may have to snaffle some, MrWT's pizza is too good for just children.
Nov 2012
7:29pm, 16 Nov 2012
185 posts
Sheri that is iron self control!
Nov 2012
8:18am, 17 Nov 2012
404 posts
Dear Telford 10k and Wheaton Aston 10k race organisers... why are you asking runners to collect their numbers on the morning of the race? Isn't it just as easy posting numbers out in an SAE provided by the runner when they enter? Please could you spare a thought for those of us who get driven to events by people who have no interest in running, I'm sure my OH is really looking forward to having to arrive even earlier so that I can queue up for my number.
Nov 2012
11:57am, 17 Nov 2012
346 posts
It is difficult when you have to take non-runners with you, isn't it FS. At the Gunpowder Plod we had to queue to find our race numbers and queue to fill in forms in the dark then queue to collect numbers. There was so much hanging about and waiting - all in the dark and cold - that my daughter go said she'd take up running so as not to be left on her own again! We did our first parkrun together today.
Nov 2012
1:00pm, 17 Nov 2012
406 posts
Cyclops thats's great about your daughter doing her first parkrun this morning I would do that with my OH but due to injury he is very much an ex-runner at the moment. I also get concerned that the race organisers haven't received my entry form and cheque, I have visions of turning up and not being allowed to take part! Perhaps I need to stop worrying
Nov 2012
6:55am, 21 Nov 2012
5,112 posts
Wanted: Fresh Meat for Singles Thread. Are you single? Are you a Fetchie? If you've answered "Yes" to both these questions, you are eligible for a place in the most exciting thread on this forum. Things you will need: A thick skin. A willingness to not only share your darkest secrets, but have some made up about you, too. A sense of humour. Not necessarily warped, although this may help. Things we will provide: An almost infinite number of shoulders to cry on. Support, advice and encouragement. And violence against a third party should the need arise. Banter like you wouldn't believe. This is not limited to singles chat. There is no limit to what we'll bang on about. A never ending supply of smut and innuendo. Especially if there is even the slightest chance of you getting any.
Nov 2012
11:44am, 21 Nov 2012
14,830 posts
OK, ear infection. You've had your fun. Time to sod off now.