Dec 2011
1:53pm, 12 Dec 2011
18,562 posts
Raptors Claws are coming to town
You know that Murphy's Law variant whereby an object dropped in a car park will come to rest on the ground underneath the exact geographical centre of the underside of the largest vehicle? My car key just demonstrated its accuracy. I'm all covered in bits of damp car park floor now.
Dec 2011
1:57pm, 12 Dec 2011
9,314 posts
Naomi P
The 100 marathon club is becoming a joke. I'd resign but they swizzed 5 years' membership out of me when I became a full member and I doubt I'd ever see a refund.
Dec 2011
2:44pm, 12 Dec 2011
46,312 posts
Why is that, re. the 100 marathon club, Naomi? I'm genuinely interested.
Dec 2011
2:45pm, 12 Dec 2011
7,841 posts
maybe people who have done 20 something are sneaking in
Dec 2011
2:47pm, 12 Dec 2011
18,563 posts
Raptors Claws are coming to town
Or people who haven't joined yet are being allowed to vote, like in the EU.
Dec 2011
2:47pm, 12 Dec 2011
2,530 posts
Wine Legs
Oh yes,... intrigued about 100 club joke situ...
my back aches so badly that if anyone says anything a little bit mean, i am liable to burst into tears.
Dec 2011
2:55pm, 12 Dec 2011
9,318 posts
Naomi P
Long story Pudds, but one of my main concerns is that the number of events cropping up that qualify has devalued the marathon. Most people disagree and that's the way the club's going. Fair enough, I would just resign. But when I became a full member, they had just passed a resolution (in a way that contravened club rules) that forced new* members to pay for 5 years' fees upfront. This year, this part of the clause has been removed so the compulsion isn't there, just the option.
*new wannabes and existing members who had become full members
Hope you can find some painkillers WL...
Dec 2011
3:13pm, 12 Dec 2011
2,531 posts
Wine Legs
I had painkillers...but they have not allieviated the problem. Massage booked for 4:15. less than an hour to go. phew.
Dec 2011
3:51pm, 12 Dec 2011
396 posts
My head is improving, but still spinning and aching a bit - fainting and smacking it into a wall on the way down wasn't a good thing
Dec 2011
4:01pm, 12 Dec 2011
7,056 posts
They don't want much do they. The 100 marathon club that is. Run 100 marathons AND pay them money? sod that!