Aug 2012
4:44pm, 21 Aug 2012
1,391 posts
I spy with my little eye....
Aug 2012
4:50pm, 21 Aug 2012
1,271 posts
Something beginning with M
Aug 2012
5:50pm, 21 Aug 2012
27,425 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Ok I'll see what I do for you
Aug 2012
5:57pm, 21 Aug 2012
7,992 posts
Aug 2012
10:11pm, 21 Aug 2012
1,392 posts
Where? That I would like to see, please! Monkey
Aug 2012
10:13am, 22 Aug 2012
3,491 posts
I had an inappropriate dream about someone I work with last night.
I've just seen him and it made me feel a bit awkward. I bet he's wondering what my problem is.
Aug 2012
11:44am, 22 Aug 2012
1,273 posts
OB, ignore it! I had an epic dream last night - so cinematic- set in this weird dystopian future where selected citizens were to be transported to a new area/district and then the remainder would be nuked...I and someone else (can't remember who) were not among the 'selected', so we hid out in a basement, dug a tunnel (!) into this underground network of corridors and somehow managed to get inside the new 'district'...I don't really know why we wanted to go there cos it was all very totalitarian. Awesome dream though, there was a bit where we were flying, and then a bit where I jumped from this balcony that looked like part of the Barbican centre into a surrounding lake in order to swim through some sort of vent...god it was amazing. I know it sounds more like a nightmare really but because I was totally aware I was dreaming it was like getting to be in my own movie
Aug 2012
11:45am, 22 Aug 2012
27,437 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Keep off the drugs A
Aug 2012
11:47am, 22 Aug 2012
1,274 posts
Yeah, those antihistamines are trippy!
Aug 2012
11:54am, 22 Aug 2012
1,485 posts
IM so sick of every aspect of m life being such hard work right now.
Also there is this woman who works with my OH who has managed to ingrain herself within our friendship group... I dont like it and every now and again she does something that convinces me she has feelings for him. THen I convince myself again, Im being nuts. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!