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Things you want to say and can, probably for a bit of sympathy or attention but theres no one there whos listening.

1 lurker | 57 watchers
Jun 2012
7:35pm, 4 Jun 2012
7,767 posts
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I just want to talk to her :-s
Jun 2012
11:08pm, 4 Jun 2012
7,768 posts
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I wish I knew why she hates me. I wish I knew what I did wrong. I love her so much :-( Why am I not good enough? I thought we were getting on well :-(
Jun 2012
11:23pm, 4 Jun 2012
7,769 posts
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Think I'll go for a walk in the woods. Maybe some nutcase will put me out of my misery.
Jun 2012
12:03am, 5 Jun 2012
7,770 posts
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No body likes me.I don't know why.I don't know what I did wrong. Why aren't I good enough? I love her but she won't even tell me what I did wrong. I must be a really revolting person.don't know what to do. Just want to know. Just want it to stop. why aren't I good enough? Just want to talk thats all. Out won't hurt just to tell me why. Am I too ugly? Too slow? Too fat? I just don't know. Want it all to stop. All to stop hurting. Please tell me. I loved her. What's wrong with me? Why aren't I good enough. Please, please, tell me, please
Jun 2012
12:05am, 5 Jun 2012
17,676 posts
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Princess P.B
James-time for a shower, a hot mug of chocolate and your duvet mate....sleep on it!
Jun 2012
12:14am, 5 Jun 2012
7,771 posts
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Duvet isn't working. I need to rip off this ugly face. Destroy this vile creature. This disgusting thing that no one will even talk to. This worthless good for nothing vile shell
Jun 2012
12:23am, 5 Jun 2012
7,772 posts
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The woman I love wont even talk to me. What sort of vile disgusting creature does that make me? I don't even realise what i've done wrong. I don't realise I'm doing it and she won't evwn tell me whst it is :-( she must really hate me and I don't know why. is it so wrong to love someone or is it just wrong forget a vile creature like me to do so?
Jun 2012
7:01am, 5 Jun 2012
490 posts
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James - the fact that she wont talk to you when you are so obviously distressed does not mean you are all these awful things you say about yourself. It may be more telling on her character than yours, it my be that she feels guilty for how she has treated you and can't face you, it may mean she is avoiding you to stay strong to her decision and thinks she may waiver if she sees your pain, it may also mean she's a heartless cow who couldn't care less.

I don't know either of you , so I can't really comment apart from to say that I do hope that you feel brighter this morning and can find someone to talk to and give you the hug you so obviously need.
Jun 2012
7:27am, 5 Jun 2012
26,823 posts
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Hills of Death (HOD)
James I've stopped trying to understand women as I am not one myself
Jun 2012
8:54am, 5 Jun 2012
12,223 posts
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HOD - I don't understand some woman and I am one.

James - I know it's easy for us to say but you need to stop beating yourself up. Sometimes people just aren't right for each other. That doesn't mean that either one is an awful person. Her handling of the situation is less than ideal. I do hope you are in a better place this morning. My current mantra is: this too shall pass. Allow yourself some time to wallow then you HAVE to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and move on. That's an order!

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
A counter for the things you want to say but can't to save writing "There isn't" in front of everything in the other thread ;-) & sympthay givers don't have to point out they do want to say that ;-) :-)
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